Deep Impact

By Andrea Spencer

Deep Impact is a modern day account of a meteor destined to collide with the earth. That said, try not to go into the movie expecting a deeply dramatic end-of-all-life-on-earth flick. In fact, the best way to watch is with your eyes closed.

The dialogue was as dull as the characters. Tea Leoni gave a dry performance as the young reporter who first breaks the story of the impending event. Morgan Freeman was the president who delivered the bad news to the country, along with several badly written monologues. Elijah Wood is the young student who helped discover the meteor, and even his appearance was not enough to prevent the over-ambitious movie's failure to captivate and truly give any sort of depth.

Could have: struck a deep "what if" chord, actually pondering existence. And how do you decide, in our modern society, who is important enough to live, and who will die? Could have been inspiring, and left people thinking.

Should have: shown better (any) character development. By the end of the movie, I really didn't care if any of them lived or died, as long as I got to use the bathroom.

Did: Nothing. Amazingly dull and boring, even with the cast and the special effects.

Do: If you have a free afternoon and four bucks to kill, go see a matinee. If not, wait for the video. It's really not too bad, if you take it off the surface. Don't go in expecting anything particularly serious or moving.

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