Strike Zone
10904 Scarsdale Blvd.
Booster Draft Wednesday
Sanctioned Tournament every Saturday 1-4 PM
June 6, Sealed Deck | June 13, Type II
June 20, Sealed Deck | June 27, Type II
281-484-7875 for details.
All Star Collectibles
All 3 Locations
League City, Clear Lake, Texas City
Tournaments Suspended for Remodelling
Comic Zone
Almeda Mall
Arena League (Type II)
Friday, 6-9 PM
$15 Entry Fee, Prizes.
(One prize is a Mox Ruby!)
Stop by and play anytime!
713-941-7879 for details.
Other Tournaments
Games Nation
Legend of the 5 Rings
Using the new Jade Edition
(Available at store)
Date To Be Announced
281-280-9008 for details.
Games Nation
281-280-9008 for details.
Games Nation
Fantasy Football
Blood Bowl League in June!!
Sign up NOW!
Thursdays - 13 games total.
281-280-9008 for details.
Games Nation
Babylon 5 Players wanted!
281-280-9008 for details.