Admission: $3.00 per day
Denise Crosby (STTNG: Tasha Yar) *Sunday only
Maria de'Aragon (Star Wars: Greedo)
Caroline Blakiston (Star Wars: Mon Mothma)
Femme Taylor (Star Wars: Oola)
Anne Lockhart (Battlestar Galactica: Sheba)
Erin Gray (Buck Rogers: WIlma)
Maggie Egan (Babylon 5: ISN Reporter)
Comic artist/writer/producer
Cindy Johns: The Blonde Avenger
Hours: Saturday 10am - 7pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm
General Admission: Per day: $8.00, Kids under 6-10: $5.00, Under 5 free
Shows and other public events are listed free, as a service to our readers.
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