Comics in Denmark are scarce at best.We only have Spiderman, Superman, and
the X Men as regular books. There are the specials like Mega Marvel (out every
2nd month) and Spidermans Giant (Untold Tales of Spiderman, out every 3 months)
and theres even a Superman special like once every millennium. Supes is out
every 2nd month, X Men every 2nd month, and Spiderman every month.
The only good thing about Danish comics is that theyre bigger than American
ones: they have 4 issues of American comics usually, so we're really getting for
4 months worth of comics each issue. But since we're always 2 years behind in
stories, its sort of numbing for us socially. Those of us who have the internet
cant really discuss comics with American or English readers, because we're
always 2 years behind! Luckily, we have a few good stores that import the American
comics.. these stores are the Danish comic specialists..
Heres a list of them:
The first ever comic book importer in Denmark.. these guys are the pioneers
of the trade. Their service is always friendly, and they're happy to take special
orders from weirdo's like myself. This store used to have the biggest back issue
selection in the Danish biz., but they remodeled the store so there could be toys,
videos, and books in that section. Cant blame 'em, really: the back issues
were used issues and no one really bought from the room any more.The employees
at Fantask also have a big hand in the Danish comics. They employ Marvel Morten,
who is the editor of the Q&A pages in the Danish Marvel books. Fantask also has
an entire RPG store on the other side of the street for RPG enthusiasts. Not much
for comic fans at all in there. The gaming store also carries videogames..
Farao's Cigarer (Cigars Of Farao):
This is the only store that can be classified as "better than Fantask," and its
not even that, but this is a good store with a good selection of back issues. Their
new issues arent as many as Fantask's, but the back issue selection is where this
store wins. Faraos also has an affiliate on a different street.
This is the lamest of the 3 chains: instead of focusing on comics, this store is
more of a RPG store. It carries all of the Warhammer things and some of the superhero
RPGs, pretty much a Games Workshop store.Their comics selection sucks. They dont carry
DC or Marvel, only special TPBs. The comics they DO have are usually only Danish albums,
like Prince Valiant and Donald Duck reprints! They have 2-3 stores, making them the
biggest of the 3 chains.. but also the crappiest one.
I hope I have shown you how the Danish comics scene works. I hope to have a more
detailed article in this online zine some time, maybe with a interview with the guys
from Fantask and Faraos Cigarer. Until then, this is HCVANG in Copenhagen, saying
Make Mine DC...or Marvel =)