In John Ostrander's SUICIDE SQUAD, Lashina is stranded on Earth, and schemes her way back to Apokolips while masquerading as Dutchess. Murphy described her perfectly in SUICIDE SQUAD #10: "This 6'2" broad finds him (Slipknot) and brings him back to Belle Reve, kicking in our
front door as she does so." "My men started calling her Dutchess, because she's so damn high-handed. Also because if John Wayne ever came back as a woman, he'd be her."
The "dark" part of darkly erotic is fulfilled by the fact that she's simply not a nice person. She hails from Apokolips, where she was raised to subjugate and/or kill who dares stand against her lord and master (meaning Darkseid). She was willing to lie, manipulate, and ultimately sacrifice every member of the Squad just to get home and
retake her lost position amongst the Female Furies. She's cold, cruel, and mean in the extreme. She's not the kind of woman to bring home to(or anywhere within 100 miles of) momma.
I think of Dutchess as an erotic character for numerous reasons. She has many traits that I find very attractive in a woman...
For starters, she is very clever. Alone on a backwater mudball planet, she devises a plan to get herself back home. Then, she manipulates key members of the Squad into helping her in this endeavor. And, in issue 16 of SUICIDE SQUAD, while held prisoner in a different dimension by a being who wields immense power, she manages to free herself and the entire team. Cunning is a very important trait in a lover, clever people can bring great spice to the bedroom.
Second, she's very tough. In just about every appearance Dutchess made, she's beating someone up. She takes punches from Blue Beetle and Batman, and never feels a thing. She gives as good as she gets from Major Force on more than one occasion. She could probably flip a tank with her bare hands. So, she displays great strength (coupled with
willingness to use it), and general toughness of body. She could protect me from mean people, and I could attempt all the bondage tricks I've always wanted to try, without any fear of hurting her!
Consider her gun for a moment. In issue 10 of SUICIDE SQUAD, she's raiding the team's armory. Her goal is to make her own gun, because she thinks the gun given to her is just pitiful. So, she assembles a gun by hand, and is practically never again seen without it. The gun could well be seen as a metaphor for a baby: she made it herself, and shows a great deal of affection for it. Demonstrating a capacity to
love something other than yourself is a trait I find amazingly erotic.
Finally, there is the excitement factor. Dutchess is not the kind of woman to settle down into a quiet life of suburban doldrums. She was raised to crave a nonstop adrenaline rush of excitement. Anyone who were to hook up with her would subject himself to that same exciting
life. Plus, look at the fact that she never once told anyone what she was up to, the entire time she was on Earth with the Suicide Squad. In the long run, there is something to be said for open communication, and secrets are not good to keep, but I have to admit, learning the secrets of a woman like Dutchess could be very exciting.
Oh, I should probably mention that she likes Yosemite Sam cartoons, too! I can just imagine the two of us snuggled up nice and cozy on a couch, watching cartoons, then falling asleep in each other's arms.
That's it. Now, it's time for me to take a cold shower and join a dating service! This line of thinking is a little too strange, even for me!
{This is all based on her appearances in Suicide Squad. She appears in issues: 3, 9-10, 13-16, 18-20, 22-25, and 27-36, plus the Annual and Checkmate 18! Check them out; the series is a fine example of top-notch storytelling.The comic book character whom I feel is very Darkly Erotic is Dutchess, a member of the Suicide Squad (aka Lashina, of the Female Furies).
The mere name Dr. Doom strikes fear is some heroes hearts, and even the most brave and powerful opponents weary of having to go against him. No matter what the outcome of such contests, Doom always wins, either gaining knowledge or power. With Doom, one will lead to the other. Even though he is a king, an unquestionable ruler living in a dark, powerful, castle still he remains unfulfilled.I find Dr. Doom darkly erotic. A man of metal, hiding his insecurities behind an iron mask. Shielding himself from the world, making sure that he is protected at all times with his gadgetry and magic. He is a strong man of very deep passion. A will power that can outlast the vast majority of his adversaries. He is a man afraid of nothing, and has again and again achieved greater power when others thought he was mad for even thinking of doing so. He has confidence beyond the Gods, so much that others call him arrogant.