Urban Legends

[aka, I finally got off my ass and saw something]

Rating - 6 on the spiff-o-meter, decent, kinda jumpy scary, not bad, but not the best thing I've ever seen.

Standing outside the movie theatre reviewing times, it's drizzling and grey, cold, damp, and I just want to see something, I got off work 2 hours early. Not early enough to catch Antz, the next available movie that's playing in the next hour is Urban Legends. So I buy my ticket, and take my seat in the crowded [two other people] cinema.

Ok. This movie made me jump at a few spots - I'm a sucker like that, everytime in a scary movie when the non-killer pops out, I jump. It never fails. There are some predictable scenes [it's about urban legends, who hasn't heard of the killer in the back seat?] and some funny moments [my personal theory is you can't have a good horror without humour], the required budding romance [which, frankly, seemed forced] and the open possibility for a sequel ending.

Well, more than that dark, dank fear that the killer could be still alive, you leave KNOWING the killer is alive. And he still knows what you did last summer.

Speaking of ISKWYDLS [I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, I'm not going to keep typing it, as much as my articles could use the filler] I saw the preview for it, it looked good. Brandy's in it. It rains alot, and Jennifer Love Hewitt runs around the beach in a wet tank top. Hell, there's even karaoke. I'm all over that like ugly on a gorilla.

Other coming attractions : Bride of Chucky. I don't know about you, but as a toy collector Child's Play just freaked me out to no end. I still have nightmares about my toys coming after me, being possessed by malicious spirits and such. Anyway, the preview looked trashy, cheesy, and campy, so if you're into that...

Apt Pupil : From the author of ... Misery ... and Shawshank Redemption... uhm DUH, Stephen King must be trying to get away from that ghoulish demon-monster image, because they only actually mention his name once, in tiny little letters that read "based on a novelette by Stephen King". Not that this doesn't look scary, because it does. Human evil is sometimes [done right] so much more evil than the demonic forces most of his stories are about. The trailer was fast paced and exciting - but didn't give away too much of the plot, ala Snake Eyes and Deep Impact. Yes! See this.

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Copyright © 1998 Andrea Spencer

E-mail Andrea at: andrea@girlhero.org

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