Star Trek: Insurrection

by Jamie Coville

I'll start off by saying First Contact was better. There was a story circulating around that Patrick Stewert (Jean Luc Picard) had asked for changes to the original script to make the film more lighthearted. I'm glad he did, as it's one of the things that really saves this movie. This Star Trek film is probably the most comical of all the Star Trek's to date. The movie had a lot of keynote scenes in it where something either funny or cool happens action wise. But between those scenes there wasn't much storytelling happening which made the film move along at a very fast pace. I am a Star Trek fan, but a couple times during the movie I had to think about things in the back of my head, trying to piece together how the events were happening chronically. Non Star Trek fans may find themselves doing this too.

The other problem with this film was adding bits of stuff here and there that was suited for the brainless ID4 crowd. Some of it was very typical stuff, that you'd expect to see in every action movie that just came off as bad. Other things was ignoring logic for emotionally gratifying scenes, things I think wasn't needed. Plus there are some special effects eye-candy that seemed to be thrown in there without any reason other than to give the audience something "cool" to look at. As with First Contact, the women characters take a back seat to the male ones. I'm well aware that it's impossible to spread the spotlight on everyone because of the large cast. But I don't want to see certain characters be left in the background in every Star Trek film.

I already know Star Trek fans like myself will see this movie regardless of my review. I recommend non Star Trek fans to go see at a matinee over the christmas holidays. The film is funny and the rest of it is okay compared to other blockbuster films.

    Jamie Coville

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