
Is anyone as appalled by You've Got Mail as I am? The whole premise of this movie is so frightening. I'm sure that computer companies all over are noting a rise in sales, as all of the ugly, dateless people of the world rush out to buy a new PC and subscribe to America Online. The net population of Horny Net Geeks (HNG) is on the rise. Tonight alone I've received more IMs than I can count on one hand, all from strangers who found me by searching for Illinois. Do people honestly think that this is going to work? Let me tell you, I'm no Meg Ryan.

Please. Boycott this movie. Do it for my sake.


rent -

    Rush Hour - If you know me, you know I've got the hugest crush on Jackie Chan. I mean, who else would go see Mr. Nice Guy three times in theatres? So you should know any movie featuring "the fastest hands of the East" has my stamp of approval. Filled with lots of one-liners, this is good, mindless entertainment.

    54 - If you know me, you know I've got the hugest crush on Neve Campbell. Do I even have to get into how many times I've gone through Wild Things in slow motion? Ok, so I haven't even seen Wild Things. And I don't particularly care for Neve Campbell. But I do love Michael Meyers, even though he played a middle-aged balding coke head. I don't know, I look at him and still see that cute writer guy from So I Married an Axe-Murderer. Anyway, this movie is full of topless guys walking around looking sexy, so of course I liked it. Mmm mm.

buy -

    Mulan - If you know me, you know I've got the hugest crush on Chinese folk stories. Ok, so I don't. Mulan is beautifully animated, a classic Disney. Of course, I'm sure the story gets butchered, which is also classic Disney. It does promote those strong women values, though. You can do anything, as long as you act like a man... an animated version of GI Jane.

    Antz - I don't know. I haven't seen this movie at all, but I totally admire it. I get giddy when I think of they scooped Disney by getting Antz out before A Bug's Life. hee-hee. And now, oh, what a coup! A February 2nd release date, another blow to the white-gloved giant.

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