The Pokémon Phenomenon

By Patrick Dunning

Well, I decided this month to write about a craze that's going across the country in gaming. Normally I'm against crazes whole heartedly, but I have been sucked into this one and it's pretty cool. What I'm talking about is the craze of monsters that came here from a crazed Japan. No, not Godzilla, POKÉMON!

What is a pokémon you ask? A pokémon, pocket monsters in Japan, is 1 of 150 different collectable little monsters in a Gameboy game. This game is the perfect game for anybody: it's got the RPG element, the collecting and trading element, cute little animals and non-cute animals. It's got something for everybody. Simply put, I like it because I wail on cute little animals till they are weak enough to capture. Once captured, I bend them to my will and turn them into non-cute animals, and then use them to again beat the crap out of cute animals! Well, if that was all the game was, it would get boring real quick but that's not it. You want to become the greatest pokémon trainer ever, and along the way get every one of the hundred and fifty different ones. That's not all either: through the whole game, you have to fight the evil team rocket (a group of evil pokémon trainers bent on taking over the world), and your childhood rival and constant foe is always one step ahead of you and a pain in your side throughout the whole game.

Did I mention if you have the game, you can't capture all 150 on that pak alone? You see, there are two versions of the game, red and blue, and each one only has 139 monsters maximum that you can get by playing the one pak. Each version has 11 exclusives that are only in that version or the other. To get all 150, you must trade pokémon back and forth with a friend. Here's another catch: you can't get all 139 in one play, there are points in the game where you have to chose between one or the other, so there's a replay value.

Pokémon has refused to stay on the gameboy and has invaded other media. It has a successful television show, it's in comics, and it even invaded KFC. The TV show is Anime. I have only seen the first three episodes on video because they don't show the show where I live. It seems to be a kiddy show to me; teaching moral values, talking about friendship and so fourth. I have been told by others that down the line it gets a little less preachy and gets a little better. I wouldn't know about that, though. Pokémon also has a comic out from Viz Comics. Viz are the people that do the Dragon Ball comics. The comic book follows about the same story line as the TV show, but is aimed at older readers and doesn't preach, doesn't teach lessons, and has more mature humor. They had pokémon bean bag toys at KFC for a little while.

Well pokémon is a craze, no doubt about it. If you still don't believe me, Topeka, Kansas was renamed Topikachu, Kansas for a day when some of the new VW bugs that looked like Pikachu (the most popular pokémon), came though letting people sample pokémon. Now that's nuts!

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