
Sheryl’s meaner’n a two headed rattle snake

After threats of physical harm (I believe a fork inserted into sensitive areas was mentioned) were made by our friendly editor, I decided to go see a movie! My initial choice was Blast From the Past, you know, the new movie featuring David Foley? Oh yeah, I think it’s got Brendon Frasier and Alicia Silverstone, but that’s not really a bonus. I lost my Excess Baggage after I saw Alicia’s latest, and let’s not forget that atrocious flick Batman, uh, you know the one. With Mr Freeze, not the cartoon one, that one wasn’t so bad. The really bad one that my mind is trying to block out. Yeah. And I really can’t comment about Brendon because I haven’t seen him in anything since Encino Man, and I don’t even think I finished that one. But David Foley is cute. Yeah.

The point is, I got to the theatre and realised that I still hadn’t seen Rushmore, the newest Bill Murray movie. Oh Bill, one of my favourite comedians, I can practically quote What About Bob.

Unfortunately, Bill isn’t even the highlight of this movie, the young star Jason Schwartzman rules the screen. Very Ferris-esque, he reminded me so much of a young Mathew Broderick, before he became such a huge flop (Godzilla). He looks like a really young Tom Cruise (Dare I say, Risky Business?). Look for him in some good things, hopefully soon.

The movie was very enjoyable, really. Schwartzman stars as Max, the leader of about fifteen clubs at Rushmore, a private school that he attends on scholarship. He is, naturally, the poorest student, and his studying habits don’t get much better when he falls for a first grade teacher at the school. In an effort to impress her he decides to build an aquarium in her honour, and goes to Herman Blume (Murray) for funding. Things happen and eventually Herman and the teacher fall in love, Max goes insane, etc etc.

Anyway, it’s very funny. You should go see it, if just to see the debut(?) of Schwartzman, before he hits it really big.

Now, to go hide the cutlery..

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