The Phantom Collectibles

( A XipeTotec 'Obsessive' Rant )

by Stephane Morrell stephanm@GroupLaurier.CA

As if you didn't already know ....

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is upon us, with less than 2 months away, anticipation is growing across the world and it doesn't look like it's going to calm down anytime soon. If you're someone who's grown up from early childhood playing with Star Wars toys, watching Star Wars countless times and for the past 16 years have constantly reminded yourself and others that George Lucas said he would make prequels from the very beginning, then you probably get heart palpitations at the sight of the latest trailer released by LucasFilms. As with millions of fans across the world, The opening of the long awaited Star Wars: Episode I will be a very emotional time as a movie that's been anticipated our WHOLE LIVES.

But the actual movie aside... let's talk marketing! Who can't tell that George Lucas hasn't been rebuilding momentum for Star Wars over the last few years. During the late 80's and early 90's, we were hardly seeing Star Wars memorabilia anymore, ( at least not in the amounts we do now ). But now, with a flurry of new toys, comics, books, models, collectibles, it's started all over again, and with the coming of SWEP1, it looks like it's going to overflow! Lucasfilms is planning the single biggest marketing campaign ever made for a single movie. Complete restaurants will be remodeled to look like planets from the movie, comics are already in the full process of being made, books are already in the works, posters, t-shirts, hats, reproductions of movie costumes and, not to mention, TOYS!!!!

And although my usual instinct in any other situation for any other movie would be, "Sheesh!! talk about trying to make cash!!" but all I can say is "COOL!!! STAR WARS STUFF!!!!" ... well what? What are you looking at? After all this is Collector Times isn't it? Aren't we all a little bit obsessed with something?

Lucasfilms has been helping the millions of sufferingly waiting fans by showing little tidbit clips months in advance of the movie coming out making you think "If I have a coronary and die before this movie comes out, you're going to have one pretty pissed off ghost on your hands." Just think, we finally get to see the young Obiwan Kenobi in action! finally get to see Young Anakin Skywalker, Senator Palpatine before he takes control on the galactic senate and become the rawest source of evil in the galaxy, Yoda with more hair! what more could you want!?!?!? Well okay, I guess you COULD ask for Boba Fett ( isn't he everyone's favorite? Hey! He's got a cool rocket on his back! ) But actually rumors are Boba Fett WILL be appearing in the Episode II movie; until then, "Fetties" will just have to wait.

And as the collectibles start to trickle out of the great Episode I machine, I can't help but wonder if I'll make it all the way to May 19th without my head exploding... ( Oh yeah, that's another thing, Lucas is taunting everyone by moving the date up 2 days earlier... 2 days?!?!?! ). All I can say is my son is already looking forward to getting his hands on an Anakin Skywalker figure... and I'm VERY proud :) ... As for myself, my comic shop has already been informed of my episode I order... too much EpI stuff! too little cash!

Hey At least I'm not part of the gang that will be waiting a month in advance in front of the box office to guarantee access to the first showing...

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