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    Bellaire, TX 77402-0882
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A Reader's Comment

congrats on a nice looking ezine. I'm glad to see a woman doing something for a change.

    Jon Dailey
    Former Publisher, The Comic Club

Hi Jon!

Thanks a bunch for your kind words. I don't usually think of myself as a woman editor or even about it being unusual until those emails come in beginning with "Dear Sir."

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times


Am looking for a comics show where I would be able to display and sell collection of comics in the Sacramento to San Jose, Calif.area.

David Poling

Hi David!

It shouldn't be hard to find a convention in that area of California. You might look on the web...Yahoo has convention listings in their comics and animation section. Some of the print publications, most notably, Comics Buyer's Guide, lists conventions from all over the country. If all else fails, you should phone up or visit some comic shops in Sacramento or in San Jose. Usually comic shops carry flyers of local conventions or the employees can tell you where and when they are happening.

    Hope this helps!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

How Can I Sell My Comics?

    Date sent: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:57:15 -0600 (CST)
    From: (Frank Eyerly)
I've inherited a few hundred comic books in plastic. I haven't inventoried or really explored what I have. I'd like to sell them. What is the best way of going about it?

Frank Eyerly

Hi Frank!

There are a lot of ways to see comic books, especially on the net, and really, it depends on what kind of comics you have inherited. In general , if they are fairly recent comics, say from the 80's-90's, it isn't worth buying a price guide and finding out the price of each one. If I were you, I'd place them up at one of the auction sites like Ebay ( or First Auction ( with cover price as the set selling point and let folks have at it. You can always go down later on the selling point, if your books don't sell. If you have comics from the 70's or earlier, it might be beneficial to buy a price guide, like Overstreet ( ) , and see what the guide says your comics are worth. You can do the auction route, with an average price as the set selling point, and see how that comes out. Or, if you prefer, you can sell them on the appropriate newsgroup: rec.comics.arts.marketplace, with you posting a list of your books, and your price. Folks can contact you by email and negotiate or buy at your price. Either way works.

    Good Luck!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Collector Times in Print?

    Date sent: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:58:19 -0500
    From: vaughn hambley <>
Is there a hard copy of this mag and if so is there any information on the web about it?

I think it would be a good idea.

vaughn hambley

Hi Vaughn!

No, unfortunately, there is no print version of The Collector Times at this time. We are strictly a web-based 'zine.

The Collector Times used to be in print here in Houston, Texas, and I used to write for it. When it got too expenisive to print, I bought it and put it on the web. Paper costs are extraordinarily high, and it would cost way to much to print at this time. It's a nice thought, though, and if we ever get enough readers online that ask for it, I will consider it.

Your suggestions are always welcome!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

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