The year is 2061, and a bold human expedition to Haley's Comet is underway. The
crew plans to dig into the comet and make the round-trip out and back, hibernating
most of the way. Near the point farthest from the sun, the comet will be nudged into
a more desirable orbit. This will allow mankind to harvest cometary materials for
use in space.
The first sentence of the book lets you know that things are not destined to proceed
smoothly. "Kato died first," begins the tale. As one disaster after another overtakes
the crew, the question becomes, "Will any survive to complete the trip?"
Earth-bound human-kind has divided into various factions, each striving to impose
its views on everyone else. The crew is likewise divided. When the heroic captain dies,
the different factions among the crew begin to fight each other. Blame and fear are spread
around with abandon. Yet, somehow all the different factions will be required to work together
for their common survival.
This is a hard-SF novel of extraordinary human courage and endurance. The plot is
brilliantly twisty. No wonder this title is being mentioned in near-reverential tones!
If you missed this one when it came out, read it now. Its still a work of art.