2 Short Movie Reviews

by Jamie Coville


If you can get past director Doug Liman blatant rip off of Quentin Tarantino's story bits and directing style, then this is a good movie. It's 3 different stories, starting from one point, and they all end up interconnecting. Many scenes are shown over and over again, which by the end of the movie gets somewhat tiring, if not irritable since you paid good money for it. The movie story is drug related and has many funny scenes. The director does some different things that make you laugh. The actors/actresses did a fantastic job with their roles as they were very believable. The only real problem with the movie is there is nothing there that needs a big screen to see. So while the movie is pretty good and deserves viewing, you won't be missing anything if you wait for the rental.

Cruel Intentions

This movie is about a half-brother and sister in a high profile school. They both get their kicks manipulating all the gullible people around them ruining their lives, they are easy to hate characters. They've also got an incestual type relationship going on. The movie tries to make us like one but not the other, which falls apart because the two are exactly alike. Part way though the movie the story changes, expanding the movie quite a bit. There are some funny bits in the movie, but I have a hard time calling it a comedy. It's more of a drama than anything, and a different one at that. The movie is different from the norm, mainly because of the main characters and the story being told. But the movie is not all that great, it's just okay. The thing that makes it okay is it being a bit different. It's not a movie I'd go to the theater and see, it's something to rent if your bored.

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