2 Short Movie Reviews

by Jamie Coville

The Matrix

Well, everyone was ranting and raving about how fun this movie was, so I went and saw it. For those who don't know, the movie is about Keanu Reeves, an underground computer techie who gets contacted by these mysterious people. You can tell from the commercials that some reality altering stuff happens after that. The main idea was pretty original, although it seems that other movies now out have the same idea. But beyond the outer idea, the story is quite normal, with one hero having to save the day.

Some of the movie is very buddhist in philosophy. When I was in College, I had a psychology teacher devote part of the class to weird stuff, as he was a very big believer in it. I couldn't help but notice how some of that stuff fits in with the movie. For those that are sensitive to the Littleton shootings, you might want to wait for later to see the film. In it are a lot of black trenchcoats and guns and bullets, sometimes to the point of getting ridiculous. But that was my only problem with the flick, the rest of it was fun to watch and worth going to the theater to see. I found nothing wrong with the acting, script, story, special effects, or anything else. While it's not super great film, it is entertaining and worth the money for the big screen.

Analyze This

This film stars Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal, DeNiro plays a mob boss in need of some help while, Crystal is the unfortunate psychiatrist picked to help him. The early bits are really funny with some original material. Afterwards, the movie turned into more of a drama with funny bits that didn't make you laugh.. perhaps smile, though. The movie continues to get more serious as it goes on, but kept trying to keep it a comedy, but it didn't work. The movie was a light comedy right from the start, and trying to make it serious while keeping the light comedy, just didn't work.

There is no need to go to the theater to see this movie, but you might want to rent it one night. Crystal and DeNiro did good performances and the movie was funny, it was just the writing that began to peter out as the movie went along.

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