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This month, we look at a newly-published collection of short stories by "cyberpunk" writer Bruce Sterling. I've followed Mr. Sterling's writing at least a decade, but most of these stories were unfamiliar to me. What a treat!

You can tell I've been at this a long time . . . when I first saw his name in print back in the late 70's or early 80's, I mistook him for Brett Sterling, author of the "Captain Future" stories from the 40's! (Brett's most memorable novel was Danger Planet, the written evil twin of "Plan Nine from Outer Space.") I should have wised up sooner. The newer Mr. Sterling is a great writer.

Our second selection this month is by relative newcomer Eric S. Nylund. His novel Signal to Noise is just out in paperback, although its been out in hardcover for over a year.

A Good Old-Fashioned Future

    A Good Old-Fashioned Future
    Bruce Sterling

    Copyright 1999
    1st Printing 6/99
    Bantam Spectra

Bruce Sterling has been one of my favorite authors for a number of years. In fact, almost since the day I discovered the cyberpunk genre. I became acquainted with it the day I stumbled across "Burning Chrome" (By William Gibson) in an early issue of OMNI magazine. As soon as I got over my confusion about his name, I also became a fan of Mr. Sterling's. To this day, I still enjoy the fast-paced down-beat techno frission of cyberpunk.

Too, there is nothing quite so gratifying as to be able to pick up a book and know you've got some solid entertainment ready and waiting. Mr. Sterling's work has that quality. I've simply never been disappointed.

This collection was no exception. All of these stories were originally published in magazines. This, of course, explains why I had not seen most of them. Its not that I dislike Science Fiction magazines - I no longer have the time to read them, as I used to.

Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!

My favorite story is one which Mr. Sterling wrote with Rudy Rucker, " Big Jelly". This was the one story of the lot I had read before. Still, it was one of the more satisfying - probably because the techno-geek wins out over the entrepreneur. Or maybe because said entrepreneur happens to be an oilman from Texas. Between the two of them, they seem to have captured the spirit of the wildcatters we Texans have come to know. (For the un-initiated, keep one hand firmly on your wallet!)

The rest of the stories are as good as it gets. "Maneki Neko" shows us an Internet run wild. Governments cannot even manage to collect taxes in this future Internet Economy. Many people ( not just Americans ) can relate to this scenario.

If you enjoy this type of fiction as much as I do, you shouldn't miss this one!

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Signal to Noise

    Signal to Noise
    Eric S. Nylund

    Copyright 1998
    1st Mass Market 6/99
    Avon Books, Inc.

Jack Potter has used every ounce of ingenuity he has to escape the mundane and poverty-ridden life of most citizens of post-apocalyptic America. He's even worked for the National Security Office to get a leg up so he can get a good job at a local university. He's on the verge of gaining tenure when his office is broken into. That's when it starts to hit the fan.

His old buddies in the NSO think it might be a matter of National Security. What might Jack know that is worth breaking into his office? Jack doesn't have an answer, so they tighten the screws a little more - to see if he might know something he doesn't know that he knows.

Jack has been investigating interstellar noise to see if he can find a signal hidden in it. In the midst of his disintegrating life, he does discover a signal in that noise, and begins a business relationship with someone from beyond the sky. But if you thought that Corporate America had a monopoly on cut-throat business practices, you're wrong. These guys aren't playing for match-sticks!

This is a very inventive and very detailed. A roller-coaster ride that ends just a bit too soon to suit me, but word is, there's a sequel. They can sell me that one, too, as soon as its published!

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Text Copyright © 1999 Paul Roberts

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(Space Reader Illustration © 1998 Joe Singleton)