Tales from the Fans


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    Collector Times Online
    P. O. Box 882
    Bellaire, TX 77402-0882
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On-line Buyer's Guide?

    From: Gustasj@aol.com
    Subject: hello
    Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 21:55:27 EDT
Hi my name is James and I live in NY and my brother and I both have alot of what we think are collectables but we both want to know what their retail prices are just for the hell of it. His collections consist of masters of the universe and the orignal transformers and for myself I have alot of X-Men and alot of mini-colections like power rangers and modern transformers but my comic collections is what interest me. I mean I have first editions of the serios of storm and the first 4 editions of bishop his own series. Well anyways i would appreciate it if you could give us a page where we can find retail prices for our stuff.


Hi James!

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you, but your email arrived about the time we were trying to get the new Collector Times issue online.

In the past, I have said that there are no price guides to comics online. I have discovered that there are a couple, and you might try these sites:



The first concentrates on general comics and the second one focuses on Marvel Comics.

Good luck!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

We like Brett's Art!

    From: Tuazon@aol.com
    Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 00:36:19 EDT
    Subject: Ringling artist article
Hi Sheryl,

I read your profile on Brett Schmitt... I too went to Ringling for a year. Please let him know that Mike Zeck also attended Ringling for a year. In fact, I got my job at DC Comics in the middle of my first year at Ringling (1983). Great to see another artist looking to comics as a profession.

    best regards,
    --Rafael Kayanan--

Hi Rafael!

I've forwarded your email on to Brett. I know he'll be happy to discover that Ringling alumni are out working in the comics field. Your nice words of encouragement will be very appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to write!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Difference of Opinion, continued . . .

    In a message dated 8/13/99 6:39:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    tonyl@sigmafinancial.com writes:

I read Jason's review of Contest of Champions, and was agreeing with everyword he said.....but then he brought up Liefeld again. Man, he must have some personal vandetta against the man. Why? I have no clue. Yes, it is just opinion, but my whole thing was: Jason wasn't being factual. His little "for the few issues he's doing it" is not an opinon, it's an all out misrepresentation of what's going on! In my first letter about this to your publication, i said "....should do some homework...." And that's what i meant. Jason, i hate to bring it to you, but Rob is on the book permently. It's not just a few issues. He'll get help, but he is the ongoing artist and co-plotter of the series. Opinons are great. Everyone has one. But quit telling people that he's not into the project, and that he's only on for one...maybe two issues. Facts can help your opinion go a long way, if you use them accuratley.

Jason responds:

All righty, I've mulled this over for a while, and finally got something to say about it.

I didn't do any Liefeld bashing in my latest column, first of all. I put forth an apology, to those who took offense at the column before that.

Second, I never made a great revelation saying that Liefeld had left the book. I said, that according to solicitations, he wasn't working on the books that had been solicited, which it turns out is true. He didn't work on the newest one to come out, someone else did the pencils.

As far as I'm concerned, I've been vindicated, and I'm putting Liefeld behind me.

    "The truth speaks for itself. I'm just the messenger"

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