
Runes Law, Makers of Wayfarer Infinity

A Survey

I have prepared here a simple questionnaire intended towards the avid gamer. I’d appreciate it beyond belief if you’d take the time out to answer this and email your answers to me at tim@runes-law.com. I’m just trying to get a feel for what the day by day gamer likes in games and stories.

1 = The last thing I’d like 2 = Couldn’t care less about it 3 = Sure. O.K. 4 = Spiff Nifty 5 = THE COOLEST!

  1. Using dice to create characters.
  2. Character Classes or Archetypes.
  3. Expanded Character Creation (Merits, Flaws, Edges, Flaws, etc.)
  4. Science Fiction RPG
  5. Fantasy RPG
  6. Gothic/Horror RPG
  7. Cyberpunk RPG
  8. Ready-Made Worlds or Generic Make Your Own Settings
  9. Multiple Dice Types.
  10. Single Dice Types.
  11. Games based on movies, books, or comics.
  12. Game Mastering the Game
  13. Playing in the Game.
  14. Funky Experimental Games (Dragonstorm, Amber, Everway, etc.)
  15. The Color: Watermelon
  16. Dramatic Campigns with LOTS of Detailed Role-playing.
  17. Light Hearted Monty Haul Campaigns.
  18. Blood and Gore, Hack and Slash Campaigns.
  19. Games with HOARDES of Supplement Books Necessary for Gameplay
  20. Games with one or two necessary game books.

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