Love Stinks - A Movie Review by Sidra Roberts

Well, this movie certainly fulfills it’s tag line," A Relationship That’s Worse Than Yours". In fact the female lead, Chelsea (Bridget Wilson), is absolutely horrifying. If I was a guy after seeing this movie I’d go running sharply the second I saw a wedding magazine. The females in this movie are portrayed as manipulative, conniving little witches who only want to get married. Dear God—very, very scary women.

French Stewart plays Seth a comedy writer who gets involved with Chelsea and soon discovers her *slight* fascination with the idea of marriage. Chelsea does EVERYTHING humanly possible to manipulate Seth into marrying her. I swear, by the end you want to beat her brains in—she just so perfectly EVIL. You just want Seth to stop being such a push-over and realize she’s just no good for him. French Stewart is just so lovable and humorous. He gets almost all the good lines. Bill Bellamy also gets some wonderful lines. His character, Larry, and his wife (Tyra Banks) appear to have a pseudo-normal relationship. Although Banks’ character is portrayed as almost as manipulative as Wilson’s.

This movie has shortcomings in that all the females are exactly the same they’re either complete bimbos or utter witches. It does however have a few scenes that make it completely worth renting when it comes out on video or seeing at the discount showings.

6 out of 10

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