Artistic License by Joe Singleton

"Ah. 'Young Justice'. Arrowette remains quite the fashion nightmare, I see."

-Mr. Carnivean from Supergirl #36 written by Peter David

That's all it took to send me to my drawing board to start working on this month's Artistic License. I also took the opportunity to do some work on Wonder Girl. I have to say that I've hated these two girls' costumes from the start. I realize that when John Byrne created the new Wonder Girl, he designed a costume that would be possible for an average kid to put together, but I can't believe they've let the poor girl run around in this abomination for so long. Maybe they figured she doesn't look so bad, next to Arrowette, in her little cheerleader skirt.

Picture of Arrowette Picture of Wonder Girl

As it happens, I started this column with one Wonder Girl, and it's only fitting that I take a shot at the current bearer of that name. When John Byrne created the new Wonder Girl in the pages of Wonder Woman, he had the original Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, pass her old costume along to the "new kid". I drew on that design for some of the details of this new costume, adding a "W" in the same style as Wonder Woman's. I also gave her a stylized mask, rather than the bulky goggles she's been using.

For Arrowette, I only made a few changes. Honestly, except for the skirt, I had few problems with her costume, so I didn't go for a radically new look. I've always had a soft spot for archers. I have a bow myself and I get out and stretch it every so often. So, as far as I am concerned, there can never be too many archers out there fighting crime.

Picture of Arrowette and Wonder Girl

As they appear in Young Justice every month, these two girls mix like fire and gasoline, so it was only natural that I'd have them fighting each other.

Feedback is always welcome. Hope you like these designs and take a few minutes to run back through some of the archives.

Until next month...

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Copyright © 1999 Joe Singleton

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