Akiko #36

    Written & Drawn by Mark Crilley

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

Akiko is not just a child's comic. It's an adult fairy tale magically woven by the talented fingers of Mark Crilley. This is not to say that Akiko is not a great all-ages comicbook.

Akiko is a fourth grade girl of Japanese decent. Her life, however, is less than ordinary. She makes frequent jots to the planet Smoo and many other places with her friends: Beeba, Gax, Spuckler, and Poog.

This issue is the second part of a cute storyline. The King of Smoo has sent Beeba out to shop for a new moon for Smoo and, of course, Beeba takes Akiko and the rest of the crew along. Now where on Earth would one buy a moon...well, the answer there is one wouldn't buy a moon on Earth; one would go to the Farflux Dimension. The Farflux Dimension has a completely different time flow, and people who aren't from the Farflux Dimension experience unique and bizarre changes to their bodies while in the Farflux Dimension.

Last issue, at the entrance, Akiko and company met a Mr. Toad-like character named Mr. Orlamum, who for a small fee would take them to Wulberville to buy a factory made moon. This issue they arrive at Wulberville after a brief scare on the way over.

As all Akiko issues have, this issue has great fan art and little comic strips starring Akiko and the gang. If you haven't read Akiko, I highly recommend that you pick it up. It's refreshing and entertaining without having the nauseating fluff that most all age comics have. And Mark Crilley's art, along with his plot lines, is absolutely beautiful. This month decide to treat yourself to a good read; pick up Akiko at your local comic shop.

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Review Copyright © 1999 Sidra Roberts

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