The Sixth Sense - A Movie Review by Jamie Coville

Wow, what a movie. I barely remembered what this movie was about as the advertising was done and over with many weeks ago. Nonetheless, I kept hearing how much money the movie had made and when a friend called to ask if I wanted to go see it, I said, "sure."

The movie is horror/thriller, but it's not the typical horror movie. It's about a young boy who seems to have some abnormal ability and a child psychologist (played by Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. There really isn't anything very spectacular about the film. No big explosions, no fight scenes, no possible end of the world threat or jaw dropping conspiracy. Nothing like that. Which is very surprising, as I expected to see something of that nature. I mean, other than comedies and 'chick flicks,' what movies don't have some of those things in them? Anyway, the kid in the film does a great job. He is very believable and he makes what I wouldn't consider scary, nightmarish. The kid did a fantastic job being scared and that creeped out of the screen and into me. During the movie I kept jumping out of my seat and when I went to bed last that night, I couldn't stop thinking about the movie and what was in it.

And that, is probably the biggest strength of the film. It makes you think. Not because of some revealing or eye opening message within it, but because the way the film ends. In a Watchmen type fashion, the ending half way makes the story. Bravo to the writers and director of this flick. Some people might not be as impressed with this film as I am, but I give the movie an A.

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