Tales from the Fans


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    Collector Times Online
    P. O. Box 882
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I have a question about a magazine . . .

    From: Ccp0174@aol.com
    Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 18:39:07 EST
I have recently received 2 current issues of Playboy magazine. They are for the same month,but have 2 different covers. I have checked everywhere to find this other cover, but no one has ever seen it. Since I have got something, I guess, rare, could this be worth something?

My e-mail address is CCP0174@AOL.COM

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    Chris Pettross

Hi Chris!

I assume you have a variant cover of Playboy, although it might just be a printing error. Either way, it could be of value to a collector, depending on it's rarity. The key things with collectibles are rarity, condition, and time. Keep your variant cover Playboy in good condition, and hold on to it awhile, and then sell it. If you sell it now, chances are it isn't going to be as rare as it will be 10 years down the road.

Thanks for Writing!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Looking for Dragon Ball Z

    From: Kate Joyce <Kate@insuredtitles.com>
    Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 16:31:37 -0600
I really want Dragon Ball Z comics! Do you carry them? If not do you know anybody that does?

Please send reply to


Thanks for your time.

Hi Kate!

Not being a comic shop, I don't carry Dragon Ball Z comics. Here are a few sites you can try for Manga, which Dragon Ball Z is :





Good luck!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

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