James Bond: The World is Not Enough

- A Movie Review by Jamie Coville

This movie has all the good elements of an action packed James Bond flick. A little bit of everything that was cool in previous movies. Ski chases, boat chases, inventive gadgets, great looking women, evil villains with a plot to take control of the world and Bond getting laid. The only thing a tad different with this film, is that M gets more involved with the action and Q introduces us to John Cleese (Monty Pythons Flying Circus) who will be his replacement. Bond jokingly asks if his name would be R, I'm not sure if that is his actual name, though. My only gripe about the movie is the lack of a mystery for Bond to solve. There is a small one, but it doesn't take much to figure it out. Woe is me, I miss the old Bond movies. Alas, they are forever gone, I think. There is a money making franchise replacing it, like a Disney movie where the plot is sacrificed to get on to the next song and dance. Only with Bond movies the music is explosions and gunfire, the dance replaced with destruction, stunts and special effects. This has been going on since the Timothy Dalton flicks, perhaps earlier, so maybe it's too late to complain about this. Still, this Bond movie is good, it's also way better than the last one. I give it a B+ for being a better than average action flick.

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