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Things have been a little hectic this month.

What with starting a new job, the New Years' Eve computer crash, backed up plumbing, cranky automobiles, and countless other disasters, I haven't had much time to read. What little I've managed has mostly been technical materials not related to either Science Fiction or to this publication.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That said, I did read the entire 5-Novel set of the "Demon Princes" series by Jack Vance last December (before it all "hit the fan"). As it happens, St. Martin's Press has reprinted it once again, and it became fair game for a review.

The rest, so they say, is history!

The Demon Princes V1

    The Demon Princes
    Jack Vance

    © 1963 - 1981
    Last Reprinted 1999
    St. Martin's Press, Inc.

The Demon Princes V2

Kerth Gersen and his grandfather were the only two survivers of the Mount Pleasant Raid. Everyone else at Mount Pleasant was either killed, or captured and sold into slavery. His grandfather raised and trained him to seek revenge against the leaders of the raid - the five Demon Princes - criminal leaders from the Beyond. Following the death of his grandfather, a grown-up Kerth sets out to even the score.

As Kerth searches the Oikumene and the Beyond for the Five, we are introduced to many of the striking cultures that inhabit Mr. Vance's universe. The 26 planets of the Rigel Coincourse are (of course) the back-drop for much of the action, as are some major landmarks of the Beyond.

Several sloppy reviews I have run across lately have said that the Demon Princes are non-human. Although their actions are certainly in-human (or at least inhumane), only the first object of Kerth's revenge is actually a non-human. Personally, I feel that reviewers should (at least) read the material before they write a review! The story is much more rich and complex than such simple-minded generalities would suggest. Besides, the material deserves it!
In case you haven't guessed, I'm a huge fan of Jack Vance. I even have an autographed copy of the first paperback printing of the inaugural novel of this series, The Star King.

This series by Jack Vance has always been a lot of fun. Now its back, in a new trade paperback version published in two volumes. If you missed it the first time around, here's your chance to make up for it!

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Until next month, keep reading!

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Text Copyright © 2000 Paul Roberts

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(Space Reader Illustration © 1998 Joe Singleton)