Tales from the Fans


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Old Comics

    From: Ptock2@aol.com
    Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 21:19:55 EST
    Subject: Questions
I am currently trying to sell my entire comic collection from my younger years. I am having difficulty in finding forums on which to list my sale. I would like to rid myself of the entire lot which consist of several thousand issues mostly silver age and some golden age issues. It contains blocks of series such as x men 1-150, iron man 1-75 and avengers 1-125 along with many others. Could you advise me on how to best proceed with my aim to sell the entire kit and caboodle.

Sincerely Thomas Ray

Hi Thomas!

I certainly cannot see how you would have difficulty selling that kind of comic collection. Those comics are, for the most part, very valuable.The simplest way to sell them all, would be to post an ad with your list and prices to the rec.arts.comics.marketplace. If you don't have a newsreader, you can certainly go over to http://www.deja.com and get a free account and post from there.

Also, you could just as easily go over to http://www.ebay.com/ and get an account and sell you comics in lots, at auction. You can set a minimum price that you will let your lots go for.

Wow, X-Man #1! I also imagine that you could email just about any comic shop on the web and offer it and get it bought up so fast your head would spin: )

If it were me, with that collection, I'd start with the newsgroup. No takers, I'd take it to auction. I know you'll be able to sell your collection.

Good Luck!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

More Old Comics

    From: MCUMMI01@aol.com
    Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 19:18:25 EST
    Subject: Comic Value?

Just recently came into some vintage comics from the 50's and 60's and I am just curious to know if there is an online resource for determining the value of the comics. All are in excellent condition. Just curious! Please reply to this if you can help.

    Thank you,
    Michael Cummings

Hi Michael!

I only know of two online price guides. You can check them out:



Another option would be to go over to www.ebay.com and run searches on the comics you have. If any of them are up for auction, you can track the auction and see how much they are selling for.

Hope This Helps!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Old Truck Manual

    Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:54:14 -0800
    From: Pee-Wee <Pee.Wee@gte.net>
    Subject: 1959 GMC

I was wondering if you may know where I might find an owner's manual for my 1959 GMC truck? I've found out that the comic book collectors are collecting them and I can't find one at all for my truck. Any help?

Thank you for your time,


Hi Roger!

If comic collectors are collecting owners manuals for trucks, it is news to me. About the only thing I can suggest to you is to keep your eye out for nostalgia conventions in your area. Comics aren't the only thing sold at nostalgia conventions. They sell a variety of things, ranging to old box top premiums to toy soldiers to comics to even perhaps, old car manuals. I've never seen a car manual at one, but I wasn't looking for one, either. You may be able to find one there.

Good luck!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Signed Comics

    From: "Kevin Ellison" <kelliot@minot.com>
    Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 23:28:52 -0600
    Subject: a new collector..

i just have a question about *signed* books...if a comic is signed how much, if any, does the price increase..i heard it was a certain percentage but im clueless, and answers would be appreciated



Hi Kevin!

First of all, let me apologize for the time it has taken to get back to you. I was out of state attending one of my writer's wedding.

How much more are signed comics worth? Are they worth anything extra at all? It depends, it really does. There is not a set formula or percentage of increase of value related to how much a comic is worth, if it is signed. Some sellers of comic books may tell you different, but they are trying to sell you signed comics. Most people I know won't pay extra for a signed comic. However, some people will, depending on how much they admire the writer or artist who signs it.

You have to realize, I have a lot of signed comics, but they are of personal interest only to me. I went out to Comic Con International, and had them signed "To Sheryl, from so and so." A whole lot of people do the same thing every year, and there are a lot of signed comics in existence. When you think of my 100 or so signed comics, and you multiply it by say, oh low estimate, the 40,000 people that attend San Diego each year, you can see the sheer numbers of signed comics out there don't make them that much of a rarity. And this doesn't include the other signed comics that come out of Wizard Con or that major convention in Toronto.

Like I said, there are people that will pay extra for a signed comic, but they are in the minority.

Hope this Helps!

    Sheryl Roberts
    editor, The Collector Times

On-line Comics?

    From: "heejung" <annie4love@nw99.com>
    Subject: may I ask you a question?
    Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:05:35 +0900
I am a person who is interested in comics

I want to know how many people are using web cartoon service in us.

could you tell me the data or where can I get them.

My name is jhon oh. please sand me your e mail

Hi jhon oh!

I am not quite sure what you are asking. If you are asking if people read online cartoons in the US, the answer is yes. How many, I suppose, depends on the site. The only way I can suggest that you find the information out, is to find a site with online cartoons, and check the number on the hit counter. It will tell you how many people are visiting the site. Some sites don't have hit counters, either.Really, there is no one place that keeps that kind of national record.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

More Old Comics

    From: "David Arnold" <adave41@prodigy.net>
    Subject: selling comics
    Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 19:42:29 -0500
I would like to know what site i would go to to sell my comic books. I > have a whole bunch of old comic books. Please let me know thank you!

Dave Arnold

Hi Dave!

You can either post your list, along with your prices over on the newsgroup rec.arts.comics.marketplace. Another option is to go over to http://www.ebay.com/ and sell your comics at auction.

Hope this helps!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

60s Comics

    From: "jharper" <JHARPER@icenter.net>
    Subject: hi
    Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 04:16:27 -0600
hello iv have some old comics like green lantern comics, space family robinson , before thay changed the title to lost in space and some action comics like super man are thay worth that much? my e mail is jharper@icenter.net

Hi jharper!

I have been out of town at a wedding, sorry it took this long to get back to you. You may have some valuable comics there, depending on the condition. The only ones that I can really look up for you in the Overstreet Price Guide is the Space Family Robinson. You weren't specific about the comic # of the others, and Green Lantern and Superman have had long runs. Space Family Robinson ranges from #1 in mint condition, being worth $245. The last issue before the name change, in good condition, which is the poorest grade listed, is worth $3.50. On average, probably most of the Space Family Robinson books are worth about 10 dollars apiece. I assume that your other comics are from the 1960's, and a good rule of thumb is that they probably range from $10-$30 apiece. I am just guessing here, because I don't have specific numbers.

Hope this gives you a general idea!

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

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