WWF Raw Deal

Reviewed by: Mathew Bredfeldt

I had initially planned to do a review of the first expansion for the WWF Raw Deal card game along with the main game, but since the sources I go to cannot seem to get their act together on what the release date is, I have to do a review of just the main game. WWF Raw Deal is a collectable card game from the card company Comic Images that is best known for their collectable cards of anything from fantasy art to WWF Smackdown! Cards. This is their first foray into the world of collectable card games, and I think that they have done a good job.

The game is very simple to play. You and your opponent each have a deck of sixty cards that contain various wrestling moves from the basic punch and kick to special finishing moves like Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Stunner or The Rock’s Rock Bottom. Also as part of your deck, you have a character card representing the various wrestlers from the WWF with some kind of special ability to make the game more interesting. The premiere set has the characters The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane, Undertaker, Mankind, HHH and Chris Jericho. Each turn, you can play any number of move cards based on your fortitude. Your fortitude starts out at zero and builds every time you successfully play a move card. Your turn ends when you either run out of cards to play, or your opponent plays a reversal card to the type of move that you played. There are special cards that you can play, that are not moves, called action cards that allow you to do anything from putting cards from your discard pile back into your deck to causing your opponent to have to discard a card every turn.

The look of the game cards is okay. There are the move cards that have a picture of some of the WWF Wrestlers executing the move on the title of the card. Some of them are taken from the matches from the WWF television shows like Raw is War and WWF Smackdown! or what can be described as taken from dark matches. Then there are those pictures that are on the action cards that sometimes have no relation to the card title at all or is so funny that you cannot help but laugh.

If I have wet your whistle, or you are a die-hard WWF fan and want something fun for your collection, this would be a good addition. The rules are easy to understand, the game is quick (no more than half an hour) and it is just a blast to play. The main game is out now and the first expansion, Fully Loaded, should be out some time this month, if not sooner. This set includes new wrestlers in starters for you to play like Tazz, Rikishi, Chyna, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. Also for the first time in boosters, you can find other wrestlers that you can make decks for. They are Mr. Ass, X-Pac and Road Dogg and are available in boosters as uncommon cards.

If you would like to read more about the game, you can visit the Comic Images web site for the game at http://www.comicimages.com/rawdeal. There you can see samples of the cards, read the rules and the FAQ.

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