Dude, What Happened to Barbie?

By Sidra Roberts

* Looks around wearily and raps cane on the ground * Back in my day, Barbie was not politically correct, Barbie's parents weren't procreating like rabbits, and while Ken's sexual orientation was questionable, there was no solid proof one way or the other.

Recently at the grocery store, I ran across Jewel something or other Barbie. The gimmick with this doll is you can use sticker gems to decorate her dress and her midriff. What is this, the Christina Aguilera doll? In my day, Christina probably longed to look like Barbie, not vice-versa. Another thing I found disturbing about this Barbie was the amount of make up she was wearing. I discovered Barbie in the 1980's. You'd think that if Barbie were to wear a whole lot of makeup, that would be the time. Barbie's makeup designer must be going for the whore look currently. Barbie's eye shadow is bright pink and goes all the way up to her eyebrows. Barbie now wears blush. Do you remember Barbie wearing blush? I certainly don't. Especially not so bright you can definitively see it.

Oh, and let's not forget Barbie's body has now changed too. Apparently some whiny ass feminists thought that Barbie's boobs were too big. So Barbie has had a mandatory breast reduction. What I also noticed is that they've changed her waist too. It looks more like a real person's waist. What up with that? We all knew Barbie wasn't a real person. Barbie additionally has these molded on emblazoned in plastic underwear on her lower half. Ummm, excuse me. I don't recall Barbie being anatomically correct. Were we afraid that some little boy was going to raid his sister's Barbie collection and see the wrong thing? In my day, you could buy underwear for Barbie and change it to coordinate with her outfits. Of course, Barbie's underwear and shoes were always the first things to be lost, but that's another story completely.

Speaking of underwear being lost, what up with the number of siblings Barbie's getting all of the sudden? Did Barbie's parents forget what condoms were for or something? Perhaps the better question becomes, why on earth does Barbie have to take care of all of her siblings? I mean, where are these glorious parents? They can buy Barbie a corvette, a dream house, a mansion, a town house, a mobile home, oodles and oodles of clothing, but they can't seem to hire someone to watch their kids for them other than Barbie? With all of her various careers, Barbie should be able to find herself a man and start her own family. Why on earth is she stuck taking care of her parentÂ’s mistakes? Are they just too busy screwing like rabbits to take care of their own children?

More recently Mattel revealed why Barbie isn't married and having children yet: Rainbow Prince Ken. I kid you people not. He's got a multicolored tunic and a rainbow right by his head in the packaging. Someone finally decided it was time to let poor Ken out of the closet. Poor Barbie needs to get some self esteem and stop trying to convert Ken and go after a real man. Thank God they're coming out with twelve inch G.I. Joes.

*wraps cane on ground again* I swear in my days Barbie used to have standards. I ask you all what happened?

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Review Copyright © 2001 Sidra Roberts

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