Sitting there the other day, watching MuchMusic ( Canadian MTV pretty
much, with some MTV shows ) I came across For those of
you unfamiliar with it, it's a show that showcases new and upcoming bands
sprinkled with performances from big name bands. Ok, so far so good.
Then who should come on the screen, but none other than Todd McFarlane
He started by talking about the animation he did for Pearl Jam then moved
on to the animation he did for KORN. Still no big problem, but I was
getting to feel a little uneasy because that was mostly in passing ... the
real meat of this interview was Action Figures!!
Yes, my friends, Action figures! Apparently, this is becoming not only
the obsession of crazed fan boys such as myself, but also of mainstream
America! It would seem that teens all over the world are buying
McFarlane toys and putting them on display just as an obsessive fanboy might do.
"What's wrong with this?" you ask. *I* do it too, you say? Yeah, but I'm
not following some frigginÂ’ little fad! Come on, tell me that some of you out
there didn't start collecting something because you thought it had some
genuine value, some true merit that gave you a moment of happiness for
whatever reason... be it nostalgia, appreciation of good art, whatever. But
the point is, you collected it because you had more to say than "It's cool"
*insert dumb giggle here*.
It's turning something that started as something special and interesting
to those of us who recognize that there is something GENUINELY fun in
collecting these things into something mass marketed and which will
eventually probably even lose quality of production because of an
attempt to meet the demand. Not to mention, being associated with those
boneheads by default because I collect the same thing. *sigh* It's enough to make
somebody go out and sell their collection to the highest bidder on eBay...
'course I won't because hopefully, it'll all blow over and the fad will die
down and only die hard nostalgia fan boys like me will be left :)
SURE! This is great for Todd! Who wouldn't want their merchandise
selling like hotcakes? He'd be crazy to not like it and to not promote it.... doesn't
mean I have to like it.
Stephane Morrell