Console-tations by Zack Roman
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    The World is Not Enough
    Nintendo64 (and Playstation 2)

Bond, James Bond. Shaken, not stirred. The World is not Enough is the game based off the movie of the same name, the latest Bond movie (it came out about a year or two ago). The game is your standard First Person shoot ‘em up, based off the game engine of the first Bond game, Goldeneye (my favorite game for N64). I selected TWINE with some trepidation, because I had heard it wasn’t as good as the first game. After playing it for about 8 hours this weekend, I can now proudly proclaim to you that it flies significantly better than a cast iron bald eagle. The game even has a few perks. After being stuck on one mission, the one where you meet Christmas played by Denise Richardson in the movie for the first time, I decided to have a little innocent fun. *Snigger* About the first thing I did upon seeing her, was to cap her in the head, for playing such a ditz in the movies Starship Troopers and Drop Dead Gorgeous. With the formalities out of the way, and after identifying myself to her, I proceeded to stalk her on my hands and knees all the way through a Russian nuclear missile bunker, armed with my trusty watch laser, and attempted to pop her in the butt. Unfortunately, every time I got within optimal zapping range, I’d end up groping her butt, and she would turn around and glare at me for some reason (Bond: "*blink blink* Yes? It wasn’t me, uhh . . . *points to nearby scientist* HE did it!"). Anyway, because she wasn’t co-operating with me, I "accidentally" capped her again with the laser, right between the eyes. It slipped, really. Aside from killing Christmas repeatedly (Bond succeeded where the Grinch failed), the actual game is decent. I found it changed a little from Goldeneye, but most of the changes were just a different way of doing something, or changes for the better. Now for the actual breakdown.

Plot. This is the game of the movie, therefore it is pretty much the same, with a few small, minor irrelevancies. The movie was actually helpful in solving some of the small puzzles. The missions are generally uncomplicated. You spend a lot of time running around killing people, but some of the missions involve not shooting all the innocent little bystanders, or even just sneaking around, not killing anyone. Like I said though, it’s the plot of the movie. I never unlocked them, but it looks as though there are some extra missions that don’t fall within the scope of the movie, similar to the special Moonraker mission in Goldeneye.

Graphics. It’s a N64 game, which unlike my beloved computer, doesn’t pack a killer graphics card. The game will take the RAM expansion for the N64 (we don’t have it) and the options let you set what detail levels you want on stuff, etc. The people are decent looking, perhaps a slight bit blocky on the curves, and the scenery, while varied, isn’t very highly detailed in any way, form, or fashion. It’s a console game though, pretty good graphics, I’ve just been spoiled by graphics cards, and I’d have to say that the graphics are about the same as, probably a little better than the Goldeneye game.

Sound. The sound is surprising, especially for a cartridge game. All the clipscenes, and gameplay for that matter, have vocal talking, unlike a lot of games that make you read the captioning. The array of sound effects was also impressive, like each gun had different sounds for firing and reloading. The score of the game was unremarkable.

Gameplay. The scope was bigger in this game than Goldeneye. Movement wise, they added a jump function. There is also an interesting section where you ski, and I believe another section where you swim, but I never made it to the submarine part, so I don’t know. They did cut out the boat chase, so you don’t get to control the boat, it is just briefly shown in a clipscene. Gun- wise, there are several new guns. Also, most of the guns have secondary features. For example, your PP7 or whatever it’s called in this one, the trusty handgun you always carry, has a silencer. Another hand gun has a laser sight. The automatics usually have Auto and Burst or Single Shot selections. The assault rifle has a grenade launcher. It’s very interesting, and I liked it. Reloading times are realistic, unlike Goldeneye. Different weapons take different times to reload. The shotgun you have to reload one shell at a time. Bond also always has his watch, which means you always have a laser, a stunner, a grappling hook, and sometimes tranquilizer darts. There are also special items you can get, like x-ray glasses and night vision goggles. Mission-wise, most missions are kill ‘em all type things, but several involve discretion, like not shooting civilians or people on your side, like armed guards. At least one mission involves a lot of sneaking and no killing. One mission is times, and you have to defuse a bomb, etc. You get the idea. The game gets bonus points for changing the style every now and then, like the level where you snow ski.

Other stuff. The game gets some points for special effects. There are helicopters in this game that stalk you. One shoots bullets and rockets at you, and another has the big chainsaw thing, and it can kill you if it touches you. The game also has multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is ok. The game won't let everyone arbitrarily choose which character they want to be. It has characters classified as Good and Bad, and it won’t let two Good players, for example, fight each other. One has to be Good and the other Bad. Multiplayer mode, however, does have different versions of play, like team mode, capture the flag, and some others (no Man with the Golden Gun, like Goldeneye). The game loses points on it's intro. When the game starts, it shows about 5 or 6 pages of logos, and there is no way to skip them, so you have to wait through 30 seconds of stupid screens to play. The game also requires a memory card to save, unlike Goldeneye, where you could save to the cartridge. (The game does redeem itself a little by letting you kill Christmas, though).

Final Ratings:

    Plot: 6.99
    Graphics: 7
    Sound: 8.2
    Gameplay: 8
    Other Stuff: 7.8
    Good 9.1
    Bad -1.3

    Overall: 7.598

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