Complex City #3

    Better Comics
    Story and Art: JE Smith
    Price: $2.50 US

Reviewed by: Jamie Coville

This issue focuses on Bulletproof, who is believed to be the only superhero around. In this issue, he meets Ubermodel a good looking female superhero. Seemingly the perfect match for him as he's without a girlfriend because his powers make having sex with normal women very difficult. Jeff makes note of 'Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex' which goes in to detail about the kind of damage Superman would do Lois Lane if he were to fuck her. From there we get a love story with a bit of superhero action mixed in. There is some humor in here too, the serious cop Bulldog Malone makes a funny Tick-like statement. It's a nice little story with a good ending. I liked it, which is saying a lot considering how bored I am with the typical monthly superhero comic book.

JE Smith’s art is great here as well. It's clean and simple, but with enough detail to show he didn't skimp out on anything. The storytelling is very easy to follow. The layouts are a bit different but they are still easy to follow. Extra points to Jeff for creativity. At the end there is a small write up by Jeff about Ubermodel and his original intentions for her. He also writes about the troubles of having appealing looking women without roaming into women are eye-candy area. Some of which he touches on within the story. There is also a 3 page letters section and ads for other issues. Overall a good comic book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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