My Opinion #3

By Mathew Bredfeldt

Well since I have come back from my trip to Houston, I have had time to think about the things that happened on my trip and I have a few things to say to the WWF. They probably will not read this, but it never hurts to try.

#1) I do not mean to sound elitist, but I paid a heck of a lot of money on this package deal and I was stuck with all of the joe common men waiting outside the Astrohall on Saturday. Would it have hurt to let the people who spent the extra money on these packages in an hour early?

#2) The meet and greet was not necessarily a meet and greet. It was more of a meet. We were stuck in a small conference room. There were something like a couple of hundred of us with only maybe ten superstars. The impression I got from the information at first was that this would have happened on Friday night. Maybe that would have been better because then we would have had a bit more energy than having to wander around Access all day and then have to go do this.

#3) At the Meet and Greet there was food. I would have loved to have sampled that food, but we were let into the Meet and Greet area thirty minutes after the appointed time. I barely managed to get all my autographs before I had to go back. How about next time have the wrestlers sitting at tables like at Access, so all we had to do was go down the line and just get the autographs and then have time to sit and eat? Remember, well-fed fans are happy fans. Or how about just giving us that two hours to have free run of Access? There's a lot of things I would have liked to do while I was there, but it was tough getting around the Astrohall.

#4) It was tough getting the autographs that I wanted. Not just for myself, but for family members as well. I know my sister would have just loved a Hardy Boyz autograph, but since I had no clue who was going to be there at what time I just ended up wandering aimlessly. I know there would have been a glut of people at certain times at certain stages for autographs, but a listing of who was signing at that block of Access would have been a big help.

#5) Wrestlemania by itself was an outstanding show, but the crowd control left something to be desired. I was 13 rows in from the ring and I could barely see what was going on half the time because of the people behind me were rushing up to the barricades and blocking my view of the ring and the jumbo tron entrance screen. The security in my section tried, but they were just overwhelmed.

#6) During the show the camera crew would cut to J.R. and Paul Heyman, but it was very disorienting because we could not hear what they were saying. How about rigging up some way that we could hear what they were saying through a low power AM or FM transmitter? I know they used to do it for movies and sporting events so it could not be that hard.

Overall, the WWF gets high marks on planning things, but their execution left something to be desired.

Now onto some of the good things.

The only autograph I got at Access was Mick Foley's, and the guy behind me in line wanted his hat autographed. The guy helping run the show said that he could not get it autographed, but Mick said he would do it.

While at the Meet and Greet Perry Saturn, one of the wrestlers doing autographs, said that that day was Steve Blackman's (another wrestler's) birthday. It was odd that you see these guys doing something like this because they seem so big and tough. Plus, it was kind of odd hearing Perry Saturn talk.

There was some good natured ribbing going on between the wrestlers there as well. While I was in line to get Terri Runnel's autograph, she and the Big Boss Man were exchanging jibes. She mentioned something about him always getting lost and something about him being gay. Of course it was all in good fun. [Big Boss Man is not gay, just so you know.]

I got to meet some fans from up north on Friday night in the hotel bar. We got to talking about whom we would like to see come up from ECW. I think the consensus was that a good bit of the roster would have made a good choice.


Morton Downey Jr. was finally fired from Ally McBeal after his what fifth drug charge? They should have fired his ass as soon as his first arrest was made. Plus, isn't California a three strikes and you're in jail for a long time state?

The game show "The Weakest Link" finally made its appearance on television. I like the fact that you have to vote out the rest of the group to get to the end, but the hostess is a bit abrasive and condescending.

You need more proof that Survivor II is fixed? How about the same person winning four immunity challenges in a row. Plus, he won the last two reward challenges. Lord, I hope that lawsuit goes through.

I learned not too long ago that Image now has the rights to do a GI Joe comic book, and that they will start doing one this summer. After the last two abominations that had the name GI Joe on them, I'm taking a optimistic view on this one.

That about wraps things up for this month. I'll be back with more opinions on things from popular culture.

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Copyright © 2001 Mathew "thehammer" Bredfeldt

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