Halloween Man: Man Goat’s Gruff Part 1 of 3

Written by Drew Edwards
Art/Inks by Terry Parr
Letters/Colors by Clint Davidson

Reviewed by Sidra Roberts

The creators of Halloween Man have done it again! They’ve come up with a witty and entertaining story for their comicbook. First thing I noticed is that the art and coloring have improved dramatically since the last issue. The art was pretty before, but it’s stunning in this issue.

This issue starts off with a clever costuming debate. Lucy, Halloween Man’s girlfriend, is trying to get him to wear a superhero costume similar to the Sentinels‘. Solomon, Halloween Man, isn’t completely thrilled with this. It’s an amusing scene and it gives brilliant insight into the dynamics of Lucy and Solomon’s relationship. Solomon’s friend Nickodemus bought him a supernatural shovel from Morlack, supernatural head guy, I guess. Suddenly, there’s an emergency call on the television from Morlack, which results in deeply amusing dialogue between Solomon and Morlack. Morlack tells Solomon that there’s trouble and Solomon will know where he’s needed when he gets there. When Solomon get there he find Man-Goat, a want-to-be superhero, and some trolls. The trolls have already taken Man-Goat out of commission. The trolls’ leader decides he will take on Solomon, and, boy, is the trolls’ leader big and ugly. Perfect opportunity for a comic cliffhanger and the creators take it.

I must say this comic is developing beautifully, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next issue. Each and every one of you needs to go read this book right now at www.halloweenman.com. Follow the comic link and you’ll get there in no time flat. The pages take a minute or two to load, but I guarantee it’s worth it.

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Review Copyright © 2001 Sidra Roberts

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