My Opinion #4

By Mathew Bredfeldt

Another month, another round of things to talk about.

First up is the lawsuit that one of the original castaways is bringing on CBS is getting more ammunition. One of the other survivors has come forth and felt that he was compelled by the producer to vote out the other person rather than Rudy. The only thing that may be a set-back is that a judge has refused to throw out a counter-suit by CBS against her for 5.5 million dollars. Meanwhile, the people who made Survivor said they used doubles to reshoot some scenes for overhead shots. Then there are the call sheets about who should be where in the camera and sound crews. This is beginning to sound less and less like reality television and more like a regular television show. I guess by now you all know that I dislike Survivor and all the clones that have come about. The only reality show out there is the Fox show COPS.

Pearl Harbor came out over the last weekend and did 70+ million dollars of box office receipts. Reviews have been hit-and-miss with some liking it and some panning it. I've been wondering what the whole idea was to do this movie. It's a love story based around one of the worst sneak attacks in United States history, and it runs over three hours. Maybe the directors should have sat back and thought a little bit more before releasing the movie. I have not seen the movie and do not plan to because of the butchering of history they do in the movie.

For those of you who say that professional wrestlers are not real athletes, talk to a wrestling fan about the Raw is War that took place on 5/21/01. Right near the end of the main event match, one of the WWF's biggest stars, Hunter Hurst Helmsley, tore his quadraceps muscle in his leg when he fell wrong taking a bump. In a time where most other athletes would have just laid there waitng for a trainer to come, he got up and continued the match with five minutes to go. During those five minutes he not only continued to fight and hit all the correct moves at the right time, he also took a nasty submission maneuver called the "Walls of Jericho" that involves the legs. After the match ended and the opponent won, he had to be carted out. I may not like the character he plays, but I have a newfound respect for him after this. Granted continuing on with the match may have caused more injury to his leg, it just goes to show you that professional wrestlers probably have more respect for their fans and their jobs than most athletes in other sports have.

Now onto: Quick Hits.

While on the subject of professional wrestling, the WWF's roster drops by one this past Monday (5/28/01) when the wrestler Grand Master Sexay was arrested in Canada for bringing drugs into the country. Finally one of the most annoying wrestlers has been taken out of the game.

The Daytime Emmy Awards (the awards show that pats daytime television stars on the back) was a few weeks back and I could care less who won in the soap opera categories. The thing that bugs me is the Regis Philbin won not only for his show, but for "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Here's the most annoying man on the planet winning two daytime Emmys in one year. Also, shouldn't Kelly Ripa have won one too since she co-hosts with him? I cannot wait to see the day that Who Want's... is cancelled because nobody cares.

The game show The Weakest Link had one of its gimmick shows a couple of weeks ago with a celebrity edition. I think it was the washed up NBC celebrity edition because everyone they had on there was from an NBC show that had been cancelled or in the case of Rob Schneider, left their NBC show. Anyway, the idiots voted off possiably the best person I have seen on the show, George Wendt, because he had gotten all the questions thrown at him correct. They said they were threatened by him.

I saw the movie Shrek on Memorial Day, and it was great. I'm not a big fan of Mike Myers, but it was a good movie with him playing the voice of the Ogre Shrek. Eddie Murphy as the voice of the donkey who will just not be quiet. It's great seeing something that is totally original and not laced with sex jokes or bad profanity that you can see with your children. There are some things that may confuse children, but adults will understand and laugh. Plus there is some potty humor, but it is not that bad.

Last up, I have finally gotten back into role playing games. I picked up the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition Players handbook. After trying to read the second edition rules, this is a much better version. I'll do a review on it and the two other books as soon as I have a chance to get them and read them all.

That's all for this month. Next month look here for more opinions and a review of A-Kon.

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Copyright © 2001 Mathew "thehammer" Bredfeldt

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