Guilt trip was a free book that we picked up in the
small press section at San Diego. Its a four page
mini-book about a small press guy sitting at a booth
at San Diego. The book is a witty statement about
printing small press and the problems involved with
getting people to buy your comic. In this case, the
creator is a cartoon version of the real creator of
Guilt Trip. The mini-book does what its supposed to
do very well, it grabs your attention, and doesnt
really guilt trip you. The comic clearly demonstrates
that guilt trips dont work as the cartoon version of
Stan asks the fanboy who says he likes his free book
why he wont buy his published book. The scene that
ensues is priceless. The mini book is so amusing and
insightful that it makes you wonder what other amusing
things Stan Yan has done. Im certainly interested in
checking out what Stan has to offer. If you are
interested in seeing Stans other work, go see what he
has to offer at .