The Successors #2

    K.O. Comix
    Price: $3.00 US
    Writer: Russ Kazmierczak, Jr.
    Artist: Brent Otey

Reviewed by: Jamie Coville

I liked this comic. It's a black and white book, self published. Both the artwork and writing are very professionally done. If this issue was published by Marvel right now it would be a big hit.

The cover is color and I really like it's design. A woman choking the life out of a man, with cop cars in the background. It stands out and is visually compelling. Right away the artwork reminds me of a more detailed Mike Allred. The cover introduces "psycho chick" with nice flowers in the name. The logo of the name itself is very well done and just nice to look at.

The inside cover is used to introduce the characters and creators in a unique way. It's like a page out of a high school year book, kinda funny to read. Inside we get a story that jumps around from time to time explaining the story of how Ferrah Monet became psycho girl and why she's really mad at this one guy. Ferrah is a sympathetic character at first but when she goes too far you don't feel so bad as the guy is a jerk and deserves it. Which makes this tale all the more enjoyable. As the story goes it jumps around in time a lot, but it still reads okay. But you do have to pause here and there to figure out where you are. In particular I liked the diary bits, they felt right for the character and really helped define her and move the story along. I also in particular liked the lettering of the diaries.

As I said before, the art is great and the big publishers should be after Brent Otey to do one of their books. The panel flow is easy to follow. His characters are fun to look at. He shows the characters emotions well with just a few lines. The costume design of psycho girl is funny too as she wears all these childish things, including a pacifier necklace that shows you she's a little 'out there' without going too over the top. The only quibble I have about the art is that it really looks like it was made for color. Some books like Cerebus are made for black and white and use it's properties to their advantage. While Brent does the best he can with a wide variety of shadings, it's still looks like the book was done with color in mind.

But all around, a great story and great art. I give this issue a high 4 out of 5 stars.

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