B(ut) E(veryone is) S(hooting at) M(e)

It is a site I most heartily recommend to anyone (unless you've already read Random Thoughts this month, then I say "Go there!"). It is a compilation of various aspects and add-ons of the BESM game. First, a quick note on BESM.

BESM really stands for Bob Eats Small Meals. However, some people seem to suggest that it might mean Big Eyes, Small Mouth. This is possibly true. BESM is a system geared towards roleplaying Anime-style. Kind of like Gurps, it doesn't exactly have a world pre-attached, although there are plenty of modules for specific anime/manga universes. It doesn't have to be played as such, it seems to work well whenever light/fast paced rules are preferred (over heavy, slow-paced ones).

This site collects various information about the game, along with a few additions of their own in a simple, easy-to-locate way. It also has the full version of Hocus Pocus/Mumbo Jumbo on their site (for some reason called HPMJ, I have yet to discover what this stands for - possibly Half Priced Mini-Jukeboxes). The site gives a basic idea of the game, so you could check it out if you hadn't seen it before, but are interested. In fact, if you go there right now, you won't even have to read the rest of this article.

Oh, and a group of green diamonds follows your cursor around on their main site! Go check it out!


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E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@aol.com