Coville's Clubhouse by Jamie Coville

Guest Interviewer Zack Roman

An Interview With Peter Mayhew

OK, at uhh . . . Itzacon . . . this last week, I got put up to doing an interview with Peter Mayhew, the guy who played Chewbacca in the Star Wars movies. Anyway, because I’m too lazy to transcribe it myself, I’m just going to copy the questions I jotted down to ask him, as opposed to the actual questions I asked him, which may differ slightly as to their exact meaning, although the essence of each question remains essentially the same. (<--That’s a killer sentence!). Actually, I’m changing what I said to make myself seem at least halfway intelligent, and also cool and collected, instead of describing how I actually took the interview bowed down in worship on the floor. (I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!) Oh, doh! I just let it slip.

Okay, here we go now:


    How much makeup for the Chewbacca costume did you have to go through? What was the suit like?
Peter Mayhew:
    Well, there was very little makeup because it is a facemask. Just a little bit around the eyes, a little bit of eyeliner around the eyes, and then the mask used to cover everything else, so five minutes in the makeup chair in the morning, which suited me definitely right.


    Was your suit really hot?
Peter Mayhew:
    Depends on what you go by hot, you got used to it. I’d seen it from the making of it, so I knew what I was dealing with. And when you think about it, it was a knitted suit, so it had holes in it, so that if there was any breeze around it at all, it would blow through it and keep your body cool. It was wonderful up in Norway for the Hoth scenes because it repelled the snow and yet kept my body warm, so I was the warmest one up there. It was fabulous.


    Is it hard to act using only your body language and no voice?
Peter Mayhew:
    I never had any problems with it. It’s just something I suppose that you do. Obviously during rehearsals you work out the stop pieces and stuff like that. There was something about that costume that when it went on, the character came alive and it just seemed a natural thing to do, to follow the others, and do whatever came and looked the way it should be. So, I didn’t have any problems, no.


    What was your favorite Star Wars experience?
Peter Mayhew:
    Umm . . . favorite experience . . . I suppose the - what, on the movies do you mean?


Peter Mayhew:
    Umm . . . I suppose it was the chess game.


    The chess game?
Peter Mayhew:
    The chess game. Yeah, because not having played chess for a number of years, it seemed a little bit different to be playing chess on a chessboard: there were no characters. Well, the characters were put in after. So you have to react not only to the characters, but to 3PO, R2, and everything else that was going on. So it was a challenge, but it was fun at the same time.


    What was working with George Lucas like?
Peter Mayhew:
    Great! George knew what he wanted and told us basically what he wanted and . . . I don’t know, everybody seemed to be pretty enthusiastic. Especially once Star Wars had come out, and working on the second one, George was not involved as much as he was in the first one. In the first one, he’d be sitting right alongside the camera. On the second one he elected to open interpretation to the director, but he was still around. And he would convey to you what he wanted, or on the first one he would tell you where things were and leave it to you as an actor to respond and do whatever was necessary.


    I remember flippin’ through TV one day and I saw an episode of the Muppet Show that had Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill, C3-PO, and you on there. Was that you?
Peter Mayhew:
    Yeah, yeah, that was me. Almost everything that you see on TV or through the archives is me. And the Muppets was done between - after Empire was done, and also the Holiday Special: the one where Chewie goes home to his home planet.


    I actually haven’t seen that.
Peter Mayhew:
    You haven’t seen it? I should get - you know there are bootlegs available so . . . Coming up to more recent times, the MTV Awards, about three years ago: that was me as well. So that got me my medal, which I didn’t get in the first movie.


    What’s your opinion of the new Star Wars movies?
Peter Mayhew:
    Like everything else, some of it’s good. There are some true Star Wars moments in the Phantom Menace. Its like the first chapter of a book: you have to introduce characters, and then you have to wipe some of those characters out. But I enjoyed it. I’m just waiting for the next one.


    Me too. Do you have a part in maybe the third Star Wars movie?
Peter Mayhew:
    There is a possibility. Nobody has contacted -obviously they are just putting number two to bat. I know they’ve been doing a lot of CGI stuff. And having not been involved with it, you just hear things. But there is always a possibility for number three, and we won’t know that till probably this time next year.


    You are making a new movie - Bigfoot?
Peter Mayhew:
    Bigfoot, yeah.


    What’s it about?
Peter Mayhew:
    It’s the Bigfoot. Ahh . . . it’s a local Dallas based company. It’s about Bigfoot and the stories around a village. Basically what happens, it involves the X-Men, all the sci-fi stuff. We were supposed to shoot it in October but its gonna be hopefully done in January, and it will be out for Halloween next year.


    How does being so tall affect the rest of your life? Do you hit your head a lot or anything?
Peter Mayhew:
    Well I have a built in radar station. I’ve had it for a number of years. When you think that I was about 6’7" or 6’8" at about 15, as I said, I’ve got a built in radar station. When I walk into a room I make notes, and I know what I’ve got to avoid: lampshades and stuff like that. It’s only when someone says, "Oh, watch your head," that I ever bang it, so no real problems there at all, and I enjoy it, you know.


    What do you do besides acting?
Peter Mayhew:


Peter Mayhew:
    Yep. We go all over the world. This last year we’ve been to Japan, all over Europe, all over the States, and next year we’re going to Australia and New Zealand for a signing and to spread the word. You know, its great. I enjoy it. As I say, I’ve got two other projects, the big project which we just mentioned, and the other is this guy which is Canadian, a cartoon series, where a lot of the characters have been Star Wars actors as the voices. That should be out mid summer.


Peter Mayhew:
    Yeah. So life at the moment is hectic, but it’s also very rewarding to have two big projects as well as doing conventions. So that’s what I do.

Well that’s it. I would like to thank Mr. Mayhew for putting up with me for this interview (I’m not worthy!). I would also like to say that Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, as well as all the other things I’ve mentioned belonging to their own respective owners, and so on and so forth.

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