8 of 10 on the Spiff-O-Meter
Zack likes Bruce Willis movies and he wanted to see
Harts War. I have a morbid fascination with World War
II, and I like war movies, so I agreed. I expected
more of an action packed war movie that ended in a POW
camp. Boy, was I off on that guess, but what I did
get was so much better than what I thought I was going
to see.
Harts War takes place almost wholly in a Nazi POW
camp. Hart is, contrary to what I thought from the
movie poster, not Bruce Willis. Hart is a daddys
boy, who has never seen combat. Hes in the process
of taking a General somewhere in France when he is
captured by the Nazis. The Nazis torture him and he
tells them where a fuel dump is. They then ship him
off to a POW camp. Hart tells the American General in
the POW camp that he told them nothing but name, rank
and serial number. The General sees through this lie
and throws the young Lieutenant in with regular
enlisted men.
While he's there two Tuskeegee airmen are brought in and
thats where the real problem begins. The white
enlisted men don't like having black men in their
barracks. Soon one is framed for trying to escape and
the other is framed for the murder of a white POW.
Hart must now fight a court martial in favor of the
airmen, and finds the meaning of honor and courage.
Really it was a very good, very well done movie. I
enjoyed it a lot. The ending is pretty satisfying but
Zacks bad puns about it were mostly god awful. To
his credit, a few were pretty funny.