For those of you that missed this column last month,
I apologize. First, I got sick putting up the CT. Then I had
to play catch-up with all the Con photos. By the time that was
all over, I got tied up in taxes. (For those of you not living
in the US, tax time is April 15th. We call it, "The day the
Eagle shits in your hat!")
I'm hoping to take a real break soon and finally get around to reading
some of the really *ancient* out-of-print stuff I've collected lately. I am
hoping to arrange some "guest reviewers," however, so I don't just
turn up missing-in-action.
However, this month I made a real find. I've been looking at a book by
Jerry Oltion called Abandon In Place for a few months. However, I'm still
a little disillusioned from my work at NASA, so I kept passing it up. Then I
saw a book called The Getaway Special. Based solely on the blurb on the
inside cover, I had to buy it.