What I Care to See
By Stephane Morrell


Well, as pretty much everyone, I loved this movie. That isn't to say that I didn't have my reservations, but the movie is so long that the good far overshadows the bad. Let's talk about the bad. If I think about something like Harry Potter, they cut stuff out, and there were some rewrites as a result of those cuts. This is all acceptable in the fact that it's an adaptation to a different medium and the film can only be so long. This I can accept. The fact that they cut out Tom Bombadil in The Fellowship of the Ring hurt my heart quite deeply, but I understood the removal. It led to events that would have made the NON extended edition of the movie over 3 hours long easily. But like the Fellowship, the Two Towers has many changes that leave the avid fan scratching his head.

Those of you who have not read the book, run out!! Go see The Two Towers right now by all means as this is probably one of the best films you will see all year until next December. For those who are fans of the book, prepare yourself for a great film, but with what I consider to be severe fundamental changes that might make your stomach turn at moments. Be ready to see Saruman have the ability to invoke possession, and Faramir fall prey to Boromir's weaknesses.

I once heard the argument "Well if they made it exactly like the book, then you would already know what happens." *long confused pause* SO?!! It's "J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings!!" It's not "Quest for the Ring - loosely based on the events in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings". This kind of creative screen-writing at times made me want to smack Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh upside the head . . . ( Still not saying I wouldn't if I met them in person ) . . . HOWEVER . . . As I said, these few things are nothing compared to the flawless execution of the Ents, Gollum, the battle between Gandalf and the Balrog ( I could watch this over and over . . . maybe I'll make a videotape with that and the Yoda battle in "Attack of the Clones" looped over and over again ) and the appearance of the Rohirrim at Helm's deep led by Gandalf the White . . . *shivers* . . .

All in all, a great film I've already gone and seen twice . . . GO SEE IT! NOW

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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