Con Report:

By Sheryl Roberts

If its Thanksgiving weekend, it's time for ItzaCon! I really enjoy this con: it's relatively small and I get to hang out with my family and friends. What else can you ask for?

This year I did something totally different. We had set up The Collector Times table, and were just getting settled and getting to know our table mates when this lady arrived looking for volunteers. She explained that she had a game to run, and she needed some folks to get the first game of the day going. Wellllll...fine. I volunteered me and Sidra (who was less than thrilled that Mom had volunteered her.) I actually volunteered Zack, too, but he hadn't arrived so Sidra and I arrived at the appointed time. I have never done any Live Action Role Playing Game (or LARP, for short,) but I'll try anything once. As this was a Beta version of a game that is going to be coming out, I don't really want to get into to many details. I played "The Teacher" role, which was a stereotypical helping type of personality, and hell, I'm a nurse, this was *easy* for me to do. Sidra said I was incredibly annoying (she was The Succubus) and another guy said that I scared him. It was a lot of fun, and I'm sure I'll try LARPing again.

Once Mat found out that they weren't going to harm him in the game, he decided to give it a shot next. We volunteered Zack again, since he was there. Mat called it "interesting" and Zack, the pro of gaming, said it was "sorta boring." His was the minority opinion, though. It was pretty funny to watch the folks who we played with the rest of the weekend and to find out how very different their personalities were from the characters they played.

The dealers room was very nice. I got to pick up Drew Edward's Halloween Man trade paper back. It's a collection of the first year of the comic, and it also has a story in it drawn by our own Joe Singleton. If you are interested, you can pick it up from Drew's website Of course Drew was there, and we were taking bets on what color his hair was this time, and we were all wrong: it was two toned...mwah ha ha. It was good to see Drew again, too...he's such a nice, interesting guy.

We had a large amount of anime fans there this year. There was this anime character costume contest, and whereas the costumes were interesting, I honestly don't get the entire anime thing. I'm sure there are folks who don't get my Legion of Superheroes obsession, either, and if we were all alike, it would be boring. Our table mate was a very nice, friendly guy named James Dawsey, who had driven all the way from Atlanta for this con. He, like Joe at our table, was doing commissioned art. James has that anime style, but it's very pretty. He was explaining to us his admiration for the Japanese artists who color their work with markers and was showing us some examples. I think I can appreciate the art more, now that James explained it to us. If you'd like to look at James' work, this is his website:

Like I said, the costume contest was all anime costumes. We had guys in dresses, guys kissing guys, it was all pretty amusing stuff. Mat tells me that A-kon has about 200 times more anime decked out crazed fans. Guess you have to like that stuff : )

The dance was cool. I always like cons with dances. The music wasn't quite as good as last years, but damn, they played the porn Speed Racer remix, and you can't argue with that! We danced, we grooved in our seats, and we generally enjoyed ourselves.

We were dead Sunday, but we gainfully manned the tables. Sidra and Zack disappeared into the gaming room to play some sort of tiddly winks game with bugs. Yes, tiddly winks game with bugs. Don't ask me, I just watched it for awhile. They seemed to like it alot.

Paul went shopping in the dealers room. They had sharp knives in there, and Paul had to have one. Man, it had a wavy blade and it was sharp, so I knew that Mr. Roberts was going to pout all the way back to Houston if he didn't get it. He got his toy and was a happy camper. We also bought a pair of cheesy gloves that blink with lights. We figure we can use those as props in one of our bad movies.

Joe sold some commissioned artwork, and we had the joy of watching him work. All in all, it was a great con!

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Text Copyright © 2003 Sheryl Roberts

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