What I Care to See
By Stephane Morrell


    Now I'm sure by now you've all read the "official" critiques of this movie. When I went to my mother's place the day after I'd seen this, she said, "It sucked didn't it? That's what the critic in the paper says."

The issue is more complex than that. First of all, I never agree with those boneheads who call themselves professional movie critics. These guys have forgotten how to ENJOY a film and can only take it apart academically and give their readers fodder for movie topics they know nothing about.
(Woah... Xipetotec Rant there... sorry ). What I will grant is that, sure, it's not a GREAT film. This is true. It uses a lot of the ol' tried, tested and true horror film methods that we've all seen before. But In my humble opinion, that can still make for a "fun" movie. (Hearing the screams of the squeamish in the audience is always fun, too.)

Plus, some of the imagery involving the creature herself was quite beautiful, really. The story revolves around a Blair Witch type character to begin with. A kind old lady who was shunned from the village after being badly burned a century before and then killed for allegedly killing children from the village ( Which it turns out she had not done ). Her vengeful spirit returns in the form of "The Tooth Fairy" and vows to kill anyone who sees her face when she comes for the children's last tooth.

All in all, a cute, fun, popcorn horror film.

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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