Wow, what to say about this. This film has been sitting on a dusty
shelf for the last 3 years looking for a home to distribute it. Studios
thought it would definitely get an NC-17 rating, thus making it
completely unviable for their teenage target audience. It seems that
Rob Zombie, who created it, would be the perfect person to write a
horror film, as he himself tries to emanate the genre in his very
Let me start by saying that it's not necessarily that this film is "bad"
per se... But it is very disorganized and feels like movie patchwork
until about 3/4 from the end when it starts to feel a little bit more
linear. This does however have for effect of giving you a sort of
"crazy" feel, which maybe is the intention considering the premise
of the film. The idea is somewhat similar to the Texas Chainsaw
Massacre in that it's about a secluded redneck family that "Ain't
Quite Right"... but that's about it. People who have touted it a
complete ripoff obviously don't know what they're talking about.
The story opens with 4 teenagers stopping at a "gas
station/Museum of Murderers" and decide to take in the Museum.
In the process, they find out that one of these maniacal murderers
was found and hanged nearby. So what do they do? Decide to go
see where, of course! I think anyone who knows their horror films
can sort of guess at the rest. The makeup was good, tension was
decent, the overuse of guns was sort of anticlimactic for a horror or
"slasher" film... Still worth a good look for the horror movie fans out
"Documentary Alert!" -I would tout this film as what "Titanic Should
Have Been"... The love story in Titanic was really unnecessary and
almost trivialized the tragedy that it was. This is a very fascinating
(not to mention 3D) experience. James Cameron and Bill Paxton
dive down to the ruins of the Titanic and explore the insides during
the course of which, CGI rendered versions of the rooms they are
exploring are displayed ( as well as actual photos in some cases )
to give the viewer an idea of what it would have looked like. In the
end, they pay tribute to all those lost.
If you don't like Documentaries, stay away. But if you have even the
slightest fascination with the Titanic, then this isa great
Holes is the latest family film offering. But
it's not like many of them out there. First
off, it is based on a book that made it quite
big before the movie even opened ( Okay okay,
maybe it's not completely UNIQUE ), but the
interesting part is that this movie does not
take kids for naïve and mindless. It is
actually quite a complex and well built
storyline with a lot of interweaving between
the generations of the main characters.
Although an all-star cast of Sigourney Weaver,
John Voigt, Henry Winkler and Patricia Arquette
might sound like padding to sell the movie, it
pays off in rich roles and a non-dumbed down
Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group
-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.