Coville's Clubhouse by Jamie Coville

Guest Interviewer Brett Schmidt

Brett Interviews Everybody
at San Diego Comic Con 2003

The last time I set foot on the show room floor was back in 1999. The key difference between now and the past was easily the heavy attendance. I guess the numbers will be revealed, but the floor was in a constant buzz. I had a set of questions in my hand and now I will share some responses.


  1. What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?
  2. What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
  3. If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?

Erik Arrega
Asylum Industries

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?
Any Image super hero, they have too much power

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
Edgar Alan Poe, a mix of his life and poems.

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
A basic female who appears unthreatening, but she is unpredictable.

Chad Michael Ward
Digital Apocalypse Studios

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
Abraham Lincoln

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
big and black

Janine Johnston

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?
no answer

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
Business woman in a suit with a bun

Eric Mengel
Blind Mice Comics

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
George Washington

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
Huge female brain that comes up with all things wrong

Andy Chang
Metal Box Comics

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
Bill Clinton

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?

I asked the same question on some message boards.
Here are some responses:

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?
Cyclops, he is a whiny little nut swinger.

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
Ghandi -- like to see how he kicked ass with his non-violent resistance haha, might make a pretty boring comic, though.

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
Black suit, white shirt, black tie and a briefcase.

What super-hero deserves to have their powers taken away?
Aquaman, he's worthless.

What historical figure deserves to have a comic book?
Karl Marx, he'd fly around the world on his magical horse trying to start the revolution. Every issue would end with him being foiled in some comedic way by a group of wealthy land and factory owners.

If MONDAY was a super villain what would he or she look like?
A cactus.

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Text Copyright © 2003 Brett Schmidt

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