Blind Mice Comics
Review By Brett Schmidt

I made my way through six various issues of Blind Mice Comics and their various order. The first issue really shows Eric trying to get his feet wet in the medium. I can take or leave it, but do not pass up the others. Issues number two and three are leaps ahead of the first. Eric lets the reader begin to explore the character Ocho. Ocho is a huge half demon who hangs out with Petey. He would much rather hang out with Petey on Earth than return home to his father's planet. When Ocho's hell raising brother asks him to return home, he immediately tells him to get lost.

Eric also pops himself into the comic. It is a nice touch of reality to the book. He reacts realistically to the crazy antics of Pitbull, Ocho and Petey. You can tell he is thinking about how he would react if he saw these characters. In addition Eric places autobiographical strips in the back of the comics to inject even more reality. The more I read these, the more I thought of my own friends and how they might be portrayed in a comic if I drew and wrote it. It's a nice personal touch and worth checking out for those who enjoy autobiographical work.

Overall, I enjoyed Blind Mice Comics for its sincerity. The art is nothing to write home about yet, but it gets the job done. It reads like a situation comedy. I think what is going to keep readers coming back is the characters.

-Brett Schmidt

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