Random Thoughts by Chris Reid

Hello! Welcome to Random Thoughts.

This month's column will be short, sweet, and to the point (since I have a half hour until my deadline). It's my own fault, really, but I recently lost someone very close to me, and I hadn't been in much of a writing mood. Luckily, moods change quickly when I'm under pressure, and when my (wonderful, kind) editor has a wide variety of weapons at her disposal.

Without further ado...

"The Top 11 Ways to Tell That Your GM is out to Get You"

  1. Your party comes across a race called The Kaemislayers. Your character's name is Kaemi.

  2. You get hit by a monster, and the GM says "Well shoot, if we pool all the dice together, I still don't have enough to roll damage. Do you mind if I just average it out?"

  3. The GM tells you to roll up a new character, and you haven't even finished rolling up your first one yet.

  4. The GM bases 90% of his stories on B Horror movies, and you always play the quirky, yet quiet outsider.

  5. He throws alot of what looks like crumpled up notes at you. When you flatten them out to read them, they're blank character sheets.

  6. Your high level party comes across an army of a thousand goblins, and the GM makes you play it out.

  7. He makes you roll for autonomous functions, like breathing and heartbeat.

  8. Your GM's name is Mike.

  9. He often uses the phrase "Well, I haven't killed anybody THIS round . . ."

  10. . . . while staring right at you.

    Aaaaand . . . the number one way to tell your GM is out to get you . . .

  11. You just finish up a two hour long battle where the party survived by the skin of their teeth, and the GM says "Well, that was great. A great example of what WOULD have happened, had that monster not killed you all in the second round."

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Text Copyright © 2003 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@hotmail.com