Coville's Clubhouse by Jamie Coville

Interview with Warren Ellis

Warren Ellis is a writer and sometimes comic book activist. He is best known for his books Transmetropolitian, Planetary and The Authority. He also spent quite some time writing about the comic book industry and it's need to change and improve, which along with his comic work has gained him a very large following in the industry. The following is a mini interview he allowed via his DiePunyHumans list.

Jamie Coville:

    What are you doing for TOKYOPOP?
Warren Ellis:
    Um . . . nothing, yet. You seem to be playing off a rumour that I think Rich Johnston ran the other week. I've had a conversation with Tokyopop, but nothing else.

Jamie Coville:

    Are you writing stuff for their young female readers or your typical audience?
Warren Ellis:
    See above. Sorry, but you're way ahead of reality here...

Jamie Coville:

    TOKYOPOP is only starting to do original material and much of that is from their fans via their Rising Stars contest winners. One might assume the company is closer to Archie or Marvel when it comes to respecting and fairly paying their creators. Are you having to guide them towards DC or better standards or have they figured that out on their own?
Warren Ellis:
    I haven't even seen their standard contract and have no idea what they pay.

Jamie Coville:

    Just off the top of your head, what do you think the better GN's of 2003 were?
Warren Ellis:
    I really didn't read many graphic novels in 2003. I certainly couldn't name any off the top of my head. I think I went into a comics store once in that year, and that was just to say hello to someone while I was passing.


Jamie Coville

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