Random Thoughts by Chris Reid

Top 11 reasons why Top 10 lists are great:

  1. You know that when you get started, you only have ten jokes to make.

  2. Whenever anyone reads them, they picture David Letterman's voice in their head (ok, this could be a bad thing).

  3. It really helps touch up on those remedial math skills, while you count down.

  4. People usually skip over the middle part just to read the really funny stuff at the beginning and end, so they won't pay attention to what you put in there.

  5. People usually skip over the middle part just to read the really funny stuff at the beginning and end, so they won't pay attention to what you put in there.

  6. If you list all the numbers out ahead of time, eventually (and with enough alcohol) they start to fill themselves in. Or, you can always leave a blank and let the reader fill it in. If it's not funny, then it's their fault.


  8. You can slip hidden messages in when people spell out the first letter of each number point. Or the last letter.

  9. Separating things by numbers means that even people who don't get the jokes know when to laugh so they don't feel left out.

  10. When you get down to number two, you know you only have one left...

    And the number 1 reason that Top Ten lists are great...

  11. When you realize that it's one hour before your deadline, you can still type out a quick top ten list about making top ten lists about making top ten lists about making top ten lists...

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Text Copyright © 2003 Chris Reid

E-mail Chris at: Tembuki@hotmail.com