Well, this past weekend I made my first AggieCon. This
is my first real science-fiction con, all the others
were primarily for comic books. Half the fun of going
to a convention as a guest artist is seeing what kind
of requests you're going to get for sketches and such.
I had taken along a fairly representative sample of my
past work, including several black-and-white prints,
which didn't sell at all, as well as a small stack of
pencil and inked drawings I had done in my spare time
at work and such.
In between talking to the convention goers, I did a
few drawings, just ideas that had popped into my head
while I sat there. One was an idea for one of those
Marvel/DC "Amalgams", the source of which I can't even
recall. It was based on nothing more than a visual
resemblance between the two characters, but I think it
works pretty well.

Yes, that's Captain Colossus, an amalgam of DC's
Captain Marvel and Marvel's Colossus. These two
characters also share a certain "innocence", in
Colossus's case, due to his upbringing on a farming
collective in the Soviet Union, and Captain Marvel's
deriving from the fact that he is actually a barely
pubescent boy.
I did a couple of commissions for one guy, one was
another "amalgam", this time Zatanna and the Scarlet
Witch, the other was the Phoenix from the recent "New"
X-Men. I hope to get a scan of both, sometime soon. I
think they both came out pretty decent. I actually did
two Phoenix pics for that guy, but I wasn't really
happy with the first one, so I re-drew it. I kept the
first one in my sketch book and here it is . . .

After that, I cast around for ideas. It seemed that
female characters might be more popular, this time
around. At the table next to us we had a couple who
make leather "armor" and, of course, dumbass that I
am, I forgot to get their card! But, the armor gave me
an idea, so I started sketching out a Wonder Woman,
with a bit more protective gear than she usually
As you can see, I added a "nasal" to her tiara and
gave her some protection for her upper arms, while
still leaving her some freedom of motion. Ever since
George Perez did his revamp of Wonder Woman, her top
has been some kind of rigid armor, so I went with that
idea, only more than merely the stylized version
Perez depicted, adding segmented side armor down the
hips and a mail skirt. The boots I changed to armored
greives, protecting her from ankle to knee.

After that, I did a drawing of one of my own
characters. Something made me want to draw wings, so
Nightingale was a natural, her wings are raven-black,
like her hair. She doesn't wear a costume of any sort,
preferring jeans and hiking boots, with various types
of tops that leave her wings unencumbered.

I did a couple more sketches for fans. Two that were
strange for me, as I rarely do anthropomorphic
animals. I was asked to do a pic of a blaster-toting
space rabbit, which was kind of fun and the other was
a anthro-fox girl. Sometimes doing drawings like this
present an interesting challenge, sometimes, it's just
nice to do something a little different.
I had the distinct pleasure of being recognized by two
different people I'd never met, at Aggie Con. Both had
seen my Ebay auctions, recognizing my name. That was
pretty cool.
We gave out some flyers at the con and hopefully that
will bring us a few more readers and some feedback. if
you bought a sketch from me at the con, I'd love to
get a scan of it, so I can put it in my portfolio and
maybe so I can color it on the computer.
And, last but not least...
We have a contest going to win a piece of original art
from me. It's a Dark Phoenix pic I did at the con.
Click here for rules and entry instructions.
See ya next month!